Men of the Time, eleventh edition/Broome, Frederick Napier

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939372Men of the Time, eleventh edition — Broome, Frederick NapierThompson Cooper

BROOME, Frederick Napier, C.M.G., son of the late Rev. F. Broome, rector of Adderly, Shropshire, was born in Canada in 1842, and emigrated to Canterbury, New Zealand, in 1857. Visiting England in 1864, he married Lady Barker, returned to his "sheep station" in New Zealand the following year, but in 1869 came back to England. Almost immediately on his arrival in London, Mr. Napier Broome was employed by the Times, and was for five years one of the special correspondents of that journal, which he represented in Russia at the marriage of the Duke of Edinburgh. He has held the posts of Secretary to the Committee for the completion of St. Paul's Cathedral, also to the Royal Commission on Unseaworthy Ships. He has contributed prose and verse to the Cornhill, Macmillan, and other magazines, and has published two volumes of poetry, "Poems from New Zealand," 1868, and "The Stranger of Scriphos," 1869. In February, 1875, Mr. Napier Broome was appointed Colonial Secretary of Natal, and in February, 1878, Colonial Secretary of the Island of Mauritius. He was appointed Lieutenant-Governor of the latter colony in August, 1880; and Governor of Western Australia in December, 1882. He was nominated a Companion of the Order of SS. Michael and George in 1877.