Module:Auto license

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This module maps from the generic data returned by 'Work license' to
actual templates as used by Wikisource pages.

local p = {} --p stands for package
local getArgs = require('Module:Arguments').getArgs
local wikibaseUtils = require( 'Module:Wikibase utils' )
local workLicense = require( 'Module:Work license' )

function p.autoLicensesFromEntity( entity )
	license = 'PD-US'
	args = {}
	return {
		title = license,
		args = args

Function docs
function p.autoLicenses(frame)
	local args = getArgs(frame)
	local entity
	if args[ 1 ] then
		-- load a suitable entity
		entity = wikibaseUtils.getEntity( args[ 1 ] )
		entity = wikibase.getEntity()
	local templates = p.autoLicensesFromEntity( entity )
	out = ''
	for _, t in pairs( templates ) do
		out = out .. frame:expandTemplate( t ) .. '\n'
	return out

return p