Mount Seir, Sinai and Western Palestine/Index

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  • "Abraham's Wells," 137.
  • Abu Suweirah, 37.
  • Acacia, the, 113.
  • Aceldama, marble cliffs of, 169.
  • Acomys dimidiatus, 132.
  • 'Ain Abu Bewireh, 181.
  • 'Ain Abu Werideh, 99, 212.
  • 'Ain el Akhdar, 55, 203.
  • 'Ain el Ghudyan, 82, 208.
  • 'Ain el Melh, 118.
  • 'Ain el Weibeh, 188.
  • 'Ain es Sultan, 161.
  • 'Ain Gharandel, 209.
  • 'Ain Huderah, 58.
  • 'Ain Jidi, 101, 128.
  • 'Ain Kadeis, 188.
  • Ajalon, Valley of, 150.
  • Ajrûd (Pi-hahiroth), 186.
  • Akabah, 71, 178, 179, 207.
  • Alowin tribe of Arabs, 79, 106, 120.
  • Ammoperdix Heyi, 62.
  • Anastatica hierochimdica, 48.
  • Anemone (A. coronaria), 141.
  • Arabia Petræa, sandstone of, 92.
  • Asdûd (Ashdod), 146.
  • Atbara, the, 16.
  • Ayun Mûsa, 30.
  • Azazimeh Arabs, 142, 215.


  • Bab-el-Wâdy, 173.
  • Bahera-el-Harriah, 46.
  • Bahr-el-Azrek, the, 16.
  • Babr Lut, El, 1, 97.
  • Baker, Sir S., 16.
  • Balanites Ægiyptiaca, 112.
  • Barbey, M., quoted, 178.
  • Bauerman, Mr., quoted, 30, 41, 179, 181.
  • Bedawins, character of, 120.
  • Beke, Dr., quoted, 57.
  • Bethany, 172.
  • Bethlehem, 157.
  • Beyrût, 175.
  • Bir es Saura, 206.
  • Bir es Sebâ, (Beersheba), 118, 136, 138.
  • Bitter Lakes, 186.
  • Brindisi, flora of, 8.
  • Burckhardt, Mr., 75.


  • Cairo, museum of, 23.
  • Calotropis procera, 112.
  • Calvary, site of, 190.
  • Capra bede, 53.
  • Chateaubriand, M., 108.
  • Cherith Valley, 162.
  • Citrullus Colocynthus, 34, 42.
  • Clypeasters, 22.
  • Conder, Capt., quoted, 138, 146, 151, 158, 160, 173, 190.
  • Coney, the, 53.
  • Cretaceous period, 184.


  • "Dabour" Arabs, 64.
  • David, Well of, 157.
  • Dawson. Prof. Sir J. W., 180.
  • Dead Sea (see Salt Sea).
  • Debbet er Ramleh, 62, 179.
  • Desert melon, 33, 42.
  • Desert partridges, 62.
  • Desert sandstone, 30, 40, 179.
  • Dhana, 213.
  • Doum palm, 71.
  • Drake, Mr., quoted, 106.


  • Eagles, 42, 80.
  • Ed Debbeh, 213.
  • Ed Deffieh, 208.
  • Edom, mountains of, 85, 95, 179.
  • El Ain, gorge of, 59.
  • El Aksa, church of, 172.
  • El Watiyeh, gorge of, 50, 55.
  • Elath (Akabah), 71.
  • Elijah's Cave, 53.
  • Elim, 36.
  • El Khudra, 219.
  • Elwi 'l' Ajramiyeh, plain of, 55.
  • Engedi, 101.
  • Er Riha, 166.
  • Es Safieh, 81, 101, 129, 180, 217.
  • Etheridge, Mr., quoted, 154.
  • Et Tâbâ, 208.
  • Eusebius, quoted, 166.
  • Ezion Geber, 58, 71.


  • Fault, line of Jordan Valley and Akabah, 76, 179, 182, 183.
  • Fault of Wâdy el Musry, 66.
  • Fellahin, 116, 139.
  • Finches, 112.
  • Fisher, Mr. T., quoted, 183.
  • Fraas, Dr., geological map, 154, 178, 181.


  • Gaza, 142.
  • Gazelles, 79, 142.
  • Gethsemane, Garden of, 172.
  • Ghawarneh, tribe of, 102, 112, 215.
  • Ghôr, the, 97, 182.
  • Gilead, Land of, 172.
  • Gilgal, gardens of, 161.
  • Glacial epoch, 183.
  • Gomorrah, 165.
  • Gordon, General, quoted, 173, 192.
  • Granite of Sinaitic peninsula, 45.
  • Great Bitter Lake, the, 36.
  • Greek convent, 161.
  • Green, Captain, 23.
  • Greene, Mr. B., on Mount Sinai, 187.
  • Gulf of Akabah, 72.
  • Gulf of Suez, 27, 28.
  • Gyps fulvus, 91.


  • Haiwatats, tribe of, 113, 123.
  • Haj road, 66, 207.
  • Hammân Faroûn, 36.
  • Hauran, extinct volcanoes of, 183.
  • Hâwatha, tribe of Arabs, 102, 110.
  • Hayne, Mr. W. A., the late, 104.
  • Hazeroth, 58.
  • Hedenborg, Dr., quoted, 148.
  • Hezekiah, 171.
  • Hinnom, Valley of, 169, 172.
  • Hippurites liratus, 169.
  • Holland, Rev. F. W., quoted, 50, 82, 120, 182, 188.
  • Hooker, Sir J. D., quoted, 48, 182, 184.
  • Hor, Mount, 81, 86, 180. 188, 190.
  • Hûleh, Lake of, 183.
  • Hyphœne Thebaica (doum palm), 71.
  • Hyrax Syriacus, 53.


  • Ibex, the, 53, 79, 121.


  • Jaffa, 147.
  • Jâhâlin, tribe of Arabs, 137.
  • Jaulan Volcano, 183.
  • Jebel Attâkah, 27.
  • Jebel Attarus, 104, 17l.
  • Jebel Bisher, 201.
  • Jebel el Ain, 57.
  • Jebel el Aradeh, 60, 206.
  • Jebel el Berg, 56.
  • Jebel el Gebal, 47.
  • Jebel el Malah, 42.
  • Jebel el Nur, 81.
  • Jebel el Watiyeh, 50, 55, 101.
  • Jebel el Zerf, 55.
  • Jebel Emreikeh, 41.
  • Jebel es Somrah, 114, 117, 180.
  • Jebel Fureidîs (Herodium), 158.
  • Jebel Hammân, 36.
  • Jebel Haroun (Mount Hor), 81, 86, 180, 188, 190, 211.
  • Jebel Karantul, 161, 162.
  • Jebel Katarina, 48, 53, 187.
  • Jebel Madurah, 82.
  • Jebel Magrah, 82.
  • Jebel Mûsa (Horeb or Sinai), 31, 48, 51, 179, 186.
  • Jebel Nachaleagh, 81, 83.
  • Jebel Salamah, 103.
  • Jebel Serbal, 47.
  • Jebel Sufsàfeh, 48.
  • Jebel Umm Kâmel, 80.
  • Jebel Umm Shomer, 48.
  • Jebel Usdum, 109, 118, 129, 162, 18-1, 217.
  • Jebel Wûtah, 37, 41.
  • Jebel Zebir, 48.
  • Jebel Zibbeyagh, 81, 83.
  • Jehoshaphat, Valley of, 172.
  • Jeib, E., 101, 108, 213.
  • Jerboa, 33, 44, 164.
  • Jeremiah, grotto of, 172, 192.
  • Jericho, 161.
  • Jerusalem, geological structure of, 152, 158.
  • Jordan, Plain of, 160.
  • Jordan Valley Canal, 86.
  • Judæa, hills of, 97.


  • Kadesh Barae, 82, 188.
  • Kedron, R., 167, 168.
  • Kelt, R., 161.
  • Kerah, Sheikh of, 110.
  • Khasa el Hassa, 119.
  • Khashm Jebel Usdum, 109, 129, &c.
  • Khefeyeh, the, 120.
  • Khureitûn (Cave of Adullam), 158.
  • Kûlonieh (Emmaus), 150.


  • Laborde, M., quoted, 55, 75, 83, 93.
  • Lakes, Ancient, 37, 49, 181.
  • Lartet, M., quoted, 2, 87, 101, 129, 131, 139, 140, 148, 178, 180.
  • Law, giving of the, 186.
  • Lebanon, Mount, 175.
  • Lebrusch, ruins of, 121, 216.
  • Lepers, 149.
  • Lily of the field, 141.
  • Limestone of Wâdy Nasb, 41, 179.
  • Lindsay, Lord, 75.
  • Lisan promontory, 108, 117.
  • Lokandel el Motram, 176.
  • Luynes, Duc de, expedition of, 2, 75.
  • Lydda (Lud), 149.
  • Lymuœa truncatula, 181.


  • Macdonald, Major, 43.
  • Majedy coin, 89.
  • Mandragora officinalis (Mandrake), 141.
  • Mar Saba, 165, 167.
  • Maundrell, Mr., quoted, 108.
  • Medjet (Migdol Gad), 146.
  • Mehemet Ali, mosque of, 21.
  • Melanopsis prœrosa, 162, 181.
  • Melanopsis Saulcyi, 100, 162.
  • Melania tuberculata, 100, 181.
  • Mesurier, Mr. Le, 12.
  • Miocene period, 182.
  • Moab, Mountains of, 171, 179.
  • Mokattam Hills, 21, 182.
  • Morina aptera, 112.
  • Moses’ Well, 28.
  • Moimt Hor (see Jebel Haroun).
  • Muhauwat, River, 133.


  • Nabatheans, the, 86.
  • Nagb es Salni, 179.
  • Nagb Pass, 93.
  • Nâwamis, 121, 204, 216.
  • Nebi Mûsa, 165, 166.
  • Niebuhr, M., quoted, 43, 53.
  • Nile, Delta of, 15.
  • Nile, oscillations of, 23.
  • Nubian sandstone, 31, 81, 179
  • Nummulitic limestone, 184, e. passim.


  • Oleander tree, the, 112.
  • Olive trees, 146, 157.
  • Olives, Mount of, 172.
  • Omar, Mosque of, 172.
  • Osher tree, the, 112,


  • Palm. Arab culture of the, 15, 38.
  • Palmer, Prof., death of, 2, 25, 33, 200.
  • Palmer, Prof., quoted, 187.
  • Paran, Wilderness of, 135.
  • Petra, 85, 179, 211.
  • Philistia, 145.
  • Phœnix dactylifera (date palm), 38, 71, &c.
  • Pholades, 22.
  • Pi-hahiroth, 185.
  • Pilgrims, 73.
  • Pisidium, 181.
  • Plain, cities of the, 118, 165.
  • Pliocene period, submergence during, 186.
  • Ploughing with camels, 139.
  • Pluvial period, evidences for, 182.
  • Pococke, Mr., 52.
  • Pompey's Pillar, 14.
  • Post, Dr. Gr. E., explorations of, 38, 181.
  • Pyramids, 16.


  • Raised Sea Bed, Akabah, 78, 181.
  • Raised Sea Bed, Salt Sea, 132, 180.
  • Raised Sea Bed, Suez, 33.
  • Raised Sea Bed, Wâdy es Sheriâh, 140.
  • Ramleh, 148, 173.
  • Rás Sufsàfeh, 51, 187,
  • Red Sea, former extent of, 37.
  • Red Sea, passage of the Israelites, 185.
  • Retama rœtem, 112.
  • Ring-dove, the, 112.
  • Robinson, Dr., 75, 106, 134.
  • Rock salt, mountain of, see J. Usdum.
  • Rolands, Rev. J., quoted, 188.
  • Rose of Jericho, 48.
  • Roziere, 31.
  • Russeger, M., 178.


  • Salt Sea, 1, 97, 178, 180, 182, 216, 217.
  • Salvadora Persica, 112.
  • Samrat Fiddân mountain, 100, 183, 212.
  • Sand hills in Philistia, 145.
  • Sand lizard, 66.
  • Santolina fragrantissima, 48.
  • Schweinfurth, Dr., quoted, 21, 22, 182.
  • Serabit el Jemel, 38.
  • Serabit el Khadim, 42, 201.
  • Serbal, 41.
  • Seyal Acacia, 112.
  • Sharks, 72.
  • Sheikh Ali, 67.
  • Sheikh Arari, 87, 110, 126, 214.
  • Sheikh Hamzi, 127.
  • Sheikh Ibn Mudjelli, 116, 128.
  • Sheikh Mohammed Ibn Jhad, 07.
  • Sheikh Seyd, 115.
  • Sinai, mountains of, 31, 48, 52, 17, 187.
  • Sinaitic peninsula, flora of, 47.
  • Smyth, Prof. Piazzi, 19, 21.
  • Snails (Helix Seetzeni), 135.
  • Sodom, 165.
  • Sodom, apples of, 112.
  • Solanum Sodomœum, 112, 165.
  • Solomon, Gardens of, 156.
  • Solomon, Pools of, 155.
  • Sphinx, 20.
  • Sphinx Temple of, 20.
  • St. Catherine, Convent of, 52.
  • Stanley, Dean, the late, 52, 75.
  • Suez Canal, silting up of, 12.
  • Sugar, cultivation of, 163.
  • Sultan's Spring, 161.
  • Sweetwater Canal, 26.
  • Syene, granite of, 20.


  • Taset Bisher mountain, 32.
  • Tel Abu Hareireh, 139, 218.
  • Tel-el-Fara, 219.
  • Tel-el-Kebir, 26.
  • Tel-el-Milh (Moladah), 136, 218.
  • Terabîn Arabs, 215.
  • Terraces of Ain Abu Beweireh, 99, 180.
  • Terraces of the Jordan, 162.
  • Tertiary period, 184.
  • Tides, rise and fall of, 72.
  • Tîh, escarpment of, 28, 62, 178.
  • Towâra, tribe of Arabs, 25, 65.
  • Tristram, Dr., quoted, 53, 100. 129, 134, 137, 155, 162, 167, 178, 182.
  • Trumbull, Dr., quoted, 82, 188.
  • Turf-er-Rukn, 65, 206.
  • Turquoise mines, 43.
  • Turtur risorius, 112.


  • Vignes, M., 75, 83, 178.
  • Vine of Sodom, 42.
  • Vulture, 32, 91.


  • Wady Abu Kuseibeh, 84.
  • Wâdy Aiu Hawareh, 181.
  • Wâdy Amarah, 37, 181.
  • Wâdy Beijaneh, 209.
  • Wâdy Berk, 45.
  • Wâdy Berrah, 45, 48.
  • Wâdy Biyar. 40, 56, 179, 204.
  • Wâdy Butachy, 107.
  • Wâdy Dalaghah, 81.
  • Wâdy el-Ain, 40, 56, 58, 206.
  • Wâdy el Arabah, 65, 75, 84, 104, 178, 179
  • Wâdy el Deir, 51.
  • Wâdy el Hessi, 114, 179.
  • Wâdy el Huderali, 58.
  • Wâdy el Jeib, 101, 212.
  • Wâdy el Khiass, 65.
  • Wâdy el Kueiserah, 165, 167.
  • Wâdy el Tihyeh, 61.
  • Wâdy en Nar (Valley of the Kedron), 152.
  • Wâdy er Eahali, 187.
  • Wâdy es Sheikh, 49, 51, 54, 187.
  • Wâdy es Sheriah, 140.
  • Wâdy es Sidr, geological structure of, 159.
  • Wâdy Fara, 219.
  • Wâdy Fieran, 181.
  • Wâdy Galaita, 209.
  • Wâdy Garaiyeh, 82.
  • Wâdy Gharandel, 32, 36, 81, 83, 181, 209.
  • Wâdy Ghuweir, 213.
  • Wâdy Groweisah, 181.
  • Wâdy Hamr, 37, 39, 181, 201.
  • Wâdy Haroun, 84, 87.
  • Wâdy Hessy, 206.
  • Wâdy Jerafeh, 207.
  • Wâdy Jorif Guzel, 165.
  • Wâdy Kadeis, 189.
  • Wâdy Kaniileh, 43.
  • Wâdy Kelt ("Brook Cboritli"), 160.
  • Wâdy Kuseibeh, 99, 166.
  • Wâdy Lebweh, 45, 46.
  • Wâdy Manci'aich, 208.
  • Wâdy Mugrah, 56.
  • Wâdy Muhawat, 132, 133.
  • Wâdy Mukalik, 166.
  • Wâdy Musa, 81, 94, 179.
  • Wâdy Nasb, 41, 201.
  • Wâdy Nasb limestone, 179.
  • Wâdy Rahabi (Valley of Hinnom), 162.
  • Wâdy Redadi, 79.
  • Wâdy Saal, 38, 58.
  • Wâdy Salmoodh, 114.
  • Wâdy Shiah, 207.
  • Wâdy Sh'reich, 51, 187.
  • Wâdy Sitti Mariam (Valley of Jehoshaphat), 152.
  • Wâdy Sudur, 33.
  • Wâdy Suleiman, 150.
  • Wâdy Suweireh, 101, 102, 133.
  • Wâdy Suwig, 41.
  • Wâdy Solaf, 181.
  • Wâdy T'lah, 106.
  • Wâdy Useit, 37.
  • Wâdy Utiah, 213.
  • Wâdy Wardan, 37.
  • Wâdy Wativeh, 49, 181.
  • Wâdy Weibeh, 102, 213.
  • Wâdy Zelcgah, 40, 55, 179, 203, 204.
  • Wâdy Zerka Main, 172.
  • Wailing place of Jews, 154.
  • Watershed of the Wady el Arabah, 85.
  • Western Palestine; Topograplical Surver, 1.
  • Wilson, Col. Sir C. W., 1, 30, 41, 154, 179, 186.
  • Wilson, Dr., 75.


  • Yam Suf, 36.
  • Yazftr, 147.
  • Yebna (Jabnecl), 116.


  • Zagazig, 26.
  • Zin, Wilderness of, 75.
  • Zizyphus, 112, 114.
  • Zygophyllum, 46, 48.