New Jersey Statutes Annotated/Title 58/Chapter 14

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632217New Jersey Statutes Annotated — Chapter 14. PASSAIC VALLEY SEWERAGE DISTRICTthe Government of New Jersey
  • Section 14-1. Boundaries of Passaic Valley Sewerage District
  • Section 14-1.9. Passaic Valley Sewerage District to include part of borough of Franklin Lakes
  • Section 14-1.10. Boundary lines of Passaic Valley sewerage district, altered, amended, extended
  • Section 14-2. Passaic valley sewerage commissioners; body corporate; general powers
  • Section 14-3. Appointment of commissioners; removal; vacancies
  • Section 14-4. $10,000 salary
  • Section 14-5. Commissioners not to be interested in contracts; removal of offender; contracts void
  • Section 14-6. Annual organization; officers, agents and employees
  • Section 14-6.1. Group hospital service; deductions
  • Section 14-6.2. Premium payments by Commissioners permissive
  • Section 14-7. Discharge of sewage or other polluting matter into certain waters prohibited; enforcement
  • Section 14-8. Discharge of sewage or certain other matter, articles or substances into enumerated waters prohibited; penalty
  • Section 14-9. Municipalities may request commissioners to prepare plans and estimates for construction of intercepting sewers
  • Section 14-10. Payment of preliminary expenses by municipality
  • Section 14-11. Preparation and delivery of plans and estimates to municipalities; records
  • Section 14-12. Contracts for construction, maintenance and operation of intercepting sewer; contents
  • Section 14-13. Apportionment of cost of construction; valuation of taxable property
  • Section 14-14. Provision for increase of sewer capacity
  • Section 14-15. Annual apportionment of cost of maintenance, repair and operation
  • Section 14-15.1. Installment payments for cost of maintenance, repair and operation
  • Section 14-16. Contract provisions as to construction, repair and operation; purchase of lands
  • Section 14-17. Items included in cost of construction
  • Section 14-18. Items included in cost of maintenance, repairs and operation
  • Section 14-19. Contracting municipalities to exercise powers of eminent domain
  • Section 14-20. Commissioners may acquire and condemn lands; construction and operation of sewer
  • Section 14-21. Location of sewer; entry upon and digging up of streets, etc.
  • Section 14-22. $7,500 bid threshold
  • Section 14-23. Contracting municipalities may borrow money and issue bonds; limit of indebtedness
  • Section 14-24. Commissioners may borrow money; security
  • Section 14-25. Contracts with certain municipalities and persons for use of sewers, etc.
  • Section 14-26. Municipalities contracting under section 58:14-25 may borrow money
  • Section 14-27. Contract with certain municipalities to pay their portion of cost of operation and maintenance
  • Section 14-28. Contracts by municipalities with others for use of reserve sewer capacity
  • Section 14-29. Annual statement of reserve sewer capacity
  • Section 14-30. Supplementary contracts
  • Section 14-31. Control of sewers; payment by municipalities of cost of maintenance and operation
  • Section 14-32. Audit of accounts of commissioners; financial report; liability of commissioners
  • Section 14-33. Suits to enforce provisions of chapter
  • Section 14-34. Lease of lands to municipalities maintaining joint sewers; contracts for disposal of sludge; use of moneys received
  • Section 14-34.1. Definitions
  • Section 14-34.2. Leases for use of intercepting sewer authorized
  • Section 14-34.3. Determination of capacity before making lease; hearing; notice
  • Section 14-34.4. Required provisions in lease
  • Section 14-34.5. Distribution of rentals
  • Section 14-34.6. Lessees' use not to interfere with use by contracting agencies
  • Section 14-34.7. Use of intercepting sewer in excess of allotted capacity; restraining or permitting; rental for excess use
  • Section 14-34.8. Repeal
  • Section 14-34.9. Lease with minimum annual rental
  • Section 14-34.10. Legislative declaration as to need for repair, replacement and improvement
  • Section 14-34.11. Definitions
  • Section 14-34.12. Additional powers of commissioners
  • Section 14-34.13. Continuation of status of commissioners
  • Section 14-34.14. Bond issue authorized; resolution; notice and hearing; issuance and sale; bond anticipation notes
  • Section 14-34.15. Notice limiting time for questioning validity; bar of actions and defenses
  • Section 14-34.16. Negotiability of bonds, obligations and coupons
  • Section 14-34.17. Contractual provisions of bond resolution
  • Section 14-34.18. Remedies of bond holders
  • Section 14-34.19. Exemptions from liability
  • Section 14-34.20. Interest on indebtedness as cost of system
  • Section 14-34.21. Mortgage, pledge, encumbrance or disposal of system; exemption from judicial process
  • Section 14-34.22. Investments in bonds; security for deposits
  • Section 14-34.23. Exemption from taxation
  • Section 14-34.24. Pledge, covenant and agreement with bondholders
  • Section 14-34.25. Powers and duties cumulative and additional
  • Section 14-34.26. Partial invalidity
  • Section 14-34.27. Agreement with contracting agency for use of pumping station and treatment facilities
  • Section 14-34.28. Hearing on proposed agreement
  • Section 14-34.29. Contents of agreement
  • Section 14-34.30. Agreements limited by capacity of facilities
  • Section 14-35. Rules and regulations; civil penalty for violations
  • Section 14-36 Passaic Valley Sewerage Commissioners, establishment of reduced rates for certain affordable housing projects.