Newes from the Dead/Search for a pleasant now delight
SEarch for a pleasant now delight,
To celebrate her births day's right.
It is a birth when after Death
The body gaines his former breath.
O! who'le pay him that dig'd the pitte?
The hungry grave hath lost a bitte,
And yet still gapes, alas! I feare
Death it selfe will be buryed there.
Shee's sicke, and melts in her owne wo,
The female Sex should cheat her so.
(That she could not decieve the same,
In whom the first deceit found game.)
Either Physck conquers Death,
Or Physitians coine new breath;
Or Atropos hath lost her knife:
This was a hanging to the Life.
O! Wench reforme in thy new age,
Write Vertue in this second page:
The first shewes Characters of Vice,
O! live well once, who livest twice.