North Dakota Law Review/Volume 1/Number 2/Happy New Year!

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1924 is dead. 1925 is here, and on its way.

Whatever the dead year may have brought to the Association or its members, the New Year will not be what it ought to be unless what has been is the inspiration to what is and what is to be.

The failures of the past, if any there be, may be the very stepping stones to the achievements of the future. The successes only sharpen desire for more and greater success.

From an Association standpoint 1924 marked a distinct step forward. More members of the Association became interested in its affairs. More zeal was displayed by those placed on committees. More time was given, more talent freely devoted, by individuals for the good of all.

Much of this intensive effort, interest and zeal came in direct response to the activity of Committee Chairmen. That activity, again, gained much of its initial impetus through the enthusiasm of the immediate Past President, L. R. Nostdal. And his enthusiasm was largely the creation of the opportunities that presented themselves by reason of the changed status of the Association.

There must be no let-up for 1925. There will be none, if the President "carries on" with his election pledges, if the present response of Committee Chairmen continues, if current reports of individual industry and enthusiasm are expressions of fact instead of hope.

Happy New Year! And full speed ahead!