North Dakota Law Review/Volume 1/Number 4/Uniform State Laws

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Hon. H. A. Bronson, of Grand Forks, Chairman of the Committee on Uniform State Laws, submits the following current item concerning the work of that committee:

“Hon. Sveinbjorn Johnson, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court, has been appointed by Governor Sorlie as Commissioner from North Dakota to the Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws, which will be held at Detroit, Mich., on August 26th to September 1st, 1925, just preceding the annual meeting of the American Bar Association. The mid-winter meeting of the Committee appointed by the Conference was held in Chicago on February 26th and 27th, 1925. This meeting was attended by Commissioner Bronson, Chairman of the Committe on Education and Publicity. Some of the important legal subjects now under consideration by these Committees comprise the Uniform Mortgage Act, the Uniform Arbitration Act, the Uniform Pistol and Revolver Act, and the Uniform Incorporation Act.” These, it appears are to be submitted to the August Conference.