North Dakota Law Review/Volume 1/Number 5/American Academy of Political and Social Science

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The 29th annual meeting of this Society is scheduled for May 15th and 16th at Philadelphia, at which time there will be under discussion the subject of “American Policy and International Security.”

The request has been made that the State Bar Association of North Dakota appoint three delegates to take part in the deliberations on that general topic, to which six special sessions will be devoted for the consideration of the following specific points:

  1. The Operation of the Dawes Plan.
  2. War Debts as a Menace to International Peace;
  3. The Possibilities of Disarmanent;
  4. Foreign Investments and International Peace;
  5. Can the Feeling of Insecurity in Europe be Eliminated Without the Co-operation of the United States?;
  6. The Outlawry of War.

It is the wish of President Cupler that any North Dakota attorneys who contemplate being in the East at that particular time communicate with him at once, to the end that the Association may be represented at these sessions, if possible.