North Dakota Law Review/Volume 1/Number 5/Liberty or Tyranny

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“The Constitution is not self-perpetuating. If it is to survive, it will be because it has public support. Such support is not a passive but an active operation. It means making adequate sacrifice to maintain what is of general benefit.

“The Constitution of the United States is the final refuge of every right that is enjoyed by any American citizen. So long as it is observed, those rights will be secure. Whenever it falls into disrespect or disrepute, the end of orderly government, as we have known it for more than one hundred and twenty-five years, will be at hand.

“The Constitution represents a government of law. There is only one other authority and that is a government of force. Americans must make their choice between these two. One signifies justice and liberty; the other, tyranny and oppression.

“To live under the American Constitution is the greatest privilege that was ever accorded to the human race.”—President Coolidge’s foreword to special edition of “The Constitution of the U. S.” by James M. Beck.