O crewell causere of vndeseruyd chaunce

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Trinity College MS 160 (16th century)
O crewell causere of vndeseruyd chaunce

Witness description: 16th century. A composite volume. The first two parts contain a lament of the Virgin and Peter Idley's Instructions. Both of these are from the fifteenth century. The third part, comprised of ff. 57–186, is the Blage MS, which is a verse miscellany compiled by John Mantell from c. 1534–41, and George Blage from c. 1545–48. See O cruell causer of vndeserrved chaynge in the Devonshire Manuscript.

1310583Trinity College MS 160 — O crewell causere of vndeseruyd chaunce16th century
f. 74r

O crewell causere of vndeseruyd chaunce
By great desyer inconstantlye to raygne
ys this your way ffor proffe of stedffastnes
perde ye knowe the thynge was not so straung
5 by fformer proff to myche my ffaythffuln []
what nedythe then suche colleryd dobbylnes
I haue waylid thus wepping in nyghtly payne
in sobbis and syghis alas and all in vayne
in inward playnt and hartes woffull toment
10 & yet alas lo creweltye and disdayne
haue set at nought a ffaythfull trewe intent
and pryce hathe pryvylege truthe to present
But thoughe I serue & to my dethe styll morne
and pen me in pecys though I be torne
15 & though I dye yeldyng my weryed gost
shall neuer thyng agayne mak me to torne
I quyt the interpryse of that that I haue lost
to whom so euer lyst ffor to proffere most