Of the Imitation of Christ/Book III/Chapter XVI

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Of the Imitation of Christ
by Thomas à Kempis, translated by unknown translator
Book III: Chapter XVI
2638453Of the Imitation of Christ — Book III: Chapter XVIunknown translatorThomas à Kempis



WHATSOEVER I can desire or imagine for my comfort, I look for it not here but hereafter.

For if I could possess all the comforts of the world, and might enjoy all the delights thereof, it is certain that they could not long endure.

Wherefore, O my soul, thou canst not be fully comforted, nor have perfect refreshment, except in God, the comforter of the poor, and the helper of the humble.

Wait a little while, O my soul, wait for the divine promise, and thou shalt have abundance of all good things in heaven.

If thou inordinately desire the things that are present, thou shalt lose those which are heavenly and eternal.

Use temporal things, and desire eternal.

Thou canst not be satisfied by temporal goods, because thou art not created to enjoy them.

2. Although thou shouldst possess all created

good, yet couldst thou not be happy thereby nor blessed; but in God, Who created all things, consisteth thy whole blessedness and felicity.

Not such as is seen and commended by the foolish lovers of the world, but such as the good and faithful servants of Christ wait for, and of which the spiritual and pure in heart, whose conversation is in heaven, sometimes have a foretaste.

Vain and brief is all human consolation.

Blessed and true is the consolation which is received inwardly from the truth.

A devout man beareth everywhere about with him his own comforter Jesus, and saith unto him, "Be Thou present with me, O Lord Jesu, in every time and place.

"Let this be my comfort, to be willing to lack all human comfort.

"And if Thy comfort be wanting, let Thy will and just proving of me be unto me as the greatest comfort; for Thou wilt not always be angry, neither wilt Thou chide for ever."