Of the Imitation of Christ/Book IV/Chapter XII

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Of the Imitation of Christ
by Thomas à Kempis, translated by unknown translator
Book IV: Chapter XII
2638312Of the Imitation of Christ — Book IV: Chapter XIIunknown translatorThomas à Kempis



I AM the lover of purity and the giver of all sanctity.

I seek a pure heart, and there is the place of My rest.

Make ready for Me a large upper room furnished, and I will keep the passover at thy house with My disciples.

If thou wilt have Me come unto thee, and remain with thee, purge out the old leaven, and make clean the habitation of thy heart.

Shut out the world, and all the throng of sins; sit thou as it were a sparrow alone upon the house-top, and think over thy transgressions in the bitterness of thy soul.

For every one that loveth will prepare the best and fairest place for his beloved; for herein is known the affection of him that entertaineth his beloved.

2. Know thou notwithstanding, that the merit of no action of thine is able to make this preparation sufficient, although thou shouldst prepare thyself during a whole year.

But it is out of My mere grace and favour that thou art permitted to come to My table. As if a beggar were invited to a rich man's dinner and he hath no other return to make to him for his benefits, but to humble himself and give him thanks.

Do what lieth in thee, and do it diligently; not for custom, not for necessity; but with fear and reverence and affection receive the body and blood of thy beloved Lord, when He vouchsafeth to come unto thee.

I am He that have called thee, I have commanded it to be done, I will supply what is wanting in thee; come Thou and receive Me.

3. When I bestow on thee the grace of devotion, give thanks to thy God; not because thou art worthy, but because I have had mercy on thee.

If thou have it not, but rather dost feel thyself dry: be instant in prayer, sigh and knock, and give not over until thou have received some crumb or drop of saving grace.

Thou hast need of Me, I have no need of thee.

Neither comest thou to sanctify Me, but I come to sanctify and make thee holy.

Thou comest that thou mayest be sanctified by Me, and united unto me, that thou mayest receive new grace, and be stirred up anew to amendment of life.

Do not neglect this grace, but prepare thy heart with all diligence, and receive thy beloved into thy soul.

4. Thou oughtest not only to prepare thyself to devotion before communion, but carefully also to preserve thyself therein, after thou hast received this sacrament.

Nor is the careful guard of thyself afterwards less required, than devout preparation before.

For a good guard afterwards is the best preparation again for the obtaining of greater grace.

For if a person gives himself up at once too much to outward consolations, he is rendered thereby greatly indisposed to devotion.

Beware of much talk, remain in some secret place, and enjoy thy God; for thou hast Him, Whom all the world cannot take from thee.

I am He to Whom thou oughtest wholly to give up thyself that so thou mayest now live the rest of thy time, not in thyself, but in Me, and be free from all anxiety.