On the Economy of Machinery and Manufactures/Index

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Abstract sciences, difficulties opposed to the cultivation of, 454.
Accumulating power, 20, c. 2.
Accuracy of work executed by tools, 79; by turning, 81.
Action of forces, 45, or c. 5; difficulty of simultaneous, 56.
Additions to human power, 4.
Advantages arising from machinery and manufactures, the source of, 1.
Advertisements, the cost of, 261.
Advice to projectors, 328.
Agriculturists and non-agriculturists, proportion of each in every hundred persons in Bengal, Italy, France, and England, 3.
Alarums, 75.
Alpnach, slide of, 339.
American method of deepening rapids, 52.
———— pin-making machine, 239.
———— almanack, note to, 278.
Apothecaries, charges of, 189.
Application of machinery, proper circumstances for the, 329, c. 28.
————of heat for removing the filaments of cotton in muslin and patent net, 64.
Arithmetical calculations, 247.
Artisans and machinery, report of House of Commons on, 300.
Atmosphere, effect of, on roads, 301.
Automatons, 45.
Bandana handkerchiefs, 2 (note).
Bank notes, wetting paper for, 61; engraving of, 124; signing of, 223; methods for preventing forgery of, 318.
Banking-houses, 172.
Bark, Peruvian, 461.
Barometer clock
Bar-iron, price of in various countries, 214; evasion of duty on, in America, 418.
Bengal, proportion of agriculturists and non-agriculturists in every hundred persons in, 3.
Birmingham, increase of population in, 3; prices of various articles at, in 1818–1830, 201; ditto in 1812 and 1832, 202.
Blanket, in printing, 78.
Bleaching, 49.
Blocks, printing from, 92; calico, printing from, 96.
Blow-pipe, 115.
Boats, skimming, 39; employed in rapids, 52; tug, 53, 278.
Bobbin-net trade, 425.
Bobbin carriers, 426.
Boilers, punching iron plate for, 134.
Books, lettering, 95.
Booksellers, 380; monopoly of, 397.
Bottles, square glass, 116.
Boot-laces, tags for, 34.
Box, top of, turned in lathe, 79.
Brass tube drawing, 142.
Brass wire drawing, M. Perronnet's experiment, 228.
Breakwater at Plymouth, 6.
Bricks and tiles, 113. See also Additions.
Brine-springs, 50.
British association for the promotion of science, 456.
Brome, 460.
Bronze, casting in, 107.
Buhl-work, 136.
Bursting of guns, 23; of steam boilers, 25.
Busts, engine for copying, 152.
Buttons, 131.

Cajeput oil, 194.

Calculations, arithmetical, 247.

Calicut, price of labour at, 2 (note).

Calico printing from cylinders, 87; from blocks, 96; embossing on, 121; watering, ib.; House of Commons' report on, 422.

Capstan, clapper of the, for conveying sound, 57.

Cards for guns, 137.

Carriages, draught of, over various roads, 301.

Casks, instrument to measure liquor in, 68, 69.

Casting, copying by, 105; iron and other metals, 106; from vegetable productions, 107; in plaster, 110; in wax, 111; bricks and tiles, 113.

Cataract of steam—engine, 28.

Caterpillars, lace made by, 158. See also Additions.

Causes and consequence of large factories, 263, c. 22; of failure in machines, 322.

Cavities, printing from, 83.

Chains, steel, 139; gold Venetian, 212.

Chambers' Journal, 333.

Chatham dock-yard, steam-engine at, 27.

Children's leaden toys, 106.

China printing on, 99; embossed, ll4.

Chinese mode of conveying cotton, 19.

Chuck, 148, 239.

Clapper of the capstan for conveying sound, 57.

Clearing-house, 173.

Clichée, 132. See also Additions.

Clock, striking, 30; alarum at Royal Observatory, Greenwich, 75.

Clockmakers, 425, 426.

Clocks, position of, 54; barometer, 73; repeating, 74; for calculating differences, 249.

Clover seed, doctored, 183.

Clyde iron works, 288.

Coal trade, 208, 296.

Coin, depreciation of, 176.

Coins and medals, 129; base and spurious, 167.

Colours, lithographic printing in, 103.

Combinations of workmen, 283, 313; amongst masters or workmen against each other, 353; in iron trade, 306; coal trade, 307; of masters against the public, 312; of booksellers, 318.

Communication between England and France, 451.

Communications by signals, 56.

Compensation to workmen, 284.

Confidence in character, 271; extent of, 272; breach of, 273; instance of, 274.

Contriving machinery, on, 318, c. 27.

Conveyance of parcels, 192; cheap modes of, 277; of letters, 334.

Copper, 200, 214.

Copper-plate printing, 84; with altered dimensions, printing from, 154.

Copying, 82; letter, 98; by casting, 105, 110; in wax, 111; by moulding, 112; in china, 114; glass, 115; in wood, 117; in horn, ib..; in tortoiseshell, 119; in leather, 122; in iron, 123; by stamping, 128; by punching, 133; with elongation, 140; with altered dimensions, 147; dies, 150; through six stages in printing this volume, 159.

Copyrights, 434.

Cornice brick of church of St. Stephano, 113.

Cornwall, machinery in, 28, 57; prices of principal materials used in mines in, 202; method of paying miners in, 307; work done by steam engine in, 341; crushing mill in, 408.

Cost of each separate process in a manufacture. 253. c. 21.

Cotton, Chinese mode of conveying, 19; machines for winding, 35, handkerchiefs, 90; comparative value of that of Java in various stages of manufacture, 255; table of the quantity produced by the stretcher from 1810 to 1832, 409; produce of, ib.; spindles used in spinning, 410.

Coulomb's experiment on porters' loads, 33.

Counting machines for carriages, 65.

Crushing mill in Cornwall, 408.

Currency, introduction of metals as, 166.

Cutting trees into planks, 77.

Cylinders, red hot for singing, 64; calico, printing from, 87.

Damping paper for bank notes, 61.

Depreciation of coin, 176; of paper, ib.

Diamond, glaziers', 8.

Dies, copying, 150.

Difficulties opposed to the cultivation of abstract science, 454.

Difficulty in distinguishing single press lace, 185.

Dimensions, copying with altered, 147.

Diminution in value of different articles in 1812—1832, 205.

Dishes, pewter, at the court of the Sultan Bello, 2 (note).

Distinction between making and manufacturing, 163, c. 18.

Distribution of wealth, extract from the Rev. R. Jones's Essay, 3; of labour in mines, 252.

Diving vessel, 338.

Division of the objects of machinery, 15; of labour, 217, c. 19; suggests the contrivance of tools and machinery, 224; of mental labour, 241, c. 20.

Doctoring trefoil, clover, &c. 183.

Dolls' eyes, 300.

Domestic and political economy of manufactures, 163; c. 13.

Donkin's counting machine, 65.

Drawback, 275.

Drawing wire, 141_ tube, 142.

Drawings, Egyptian, 56.

Draw-plate, 141.

Dressing ores, 307.

Drilling engine, 221.

Drug trade, 189.

Durability in articles, 197.

Duration of machinery, 340, c. 29.

Duty on printing paper, 2460; on Calico printing, 422.

Earthquake at Odessa, 76; measurer, ib..

Economical principles of machinery, 163.

Economy of human time, 6; of employed materials, 78; of raw produce, 270.

Effect of atmosphere, of wheels, and of horses' feet, on roads, 301; of machinery in reducing the demand for labour, 404, c. 32; of taxes and of legal restrictions on manufactures, 414, c. 33.

Egyptian drawing, 56.

Elongation, copying with, 140.

Embossing on china, 114; on calico, 121; on leather, 122.

Embroidered net, 429.

Emery powder, 62.

Employment of materials of little value 9. See also Additions.

Engine, shoe-last making, 151; for copying busts, 152.

England, proportion of agriculturists and non-agriculturists in every hundred persons in, 3.

England and France, communication between, 451. See also Additions.

English manufacture of pins, 236.

Engraving on steel, 85; on metal, 88; on wood, 92; by pressure, 124; bank notes, 124, 125; from medals, machine to produce, 155.

Engravings of various sizes from same plate, 154.

Evaporation of water of brine-springs, 50, 51.

Exchange, money as a medium of, 166, c. 14.

Expense of printing the present volume, 256.

Experiment on degrees of force, by M. Rondelet, 5; Le Vaillant's, 23; on printing ink, 78; M. Perronnet's on brass wire, 228.

Experiments on the gun barrel, 23; on porters' loads, 33.

Explosion, reasoning on the theory of, 25.

Exportation of machinery, 437, c. 34.

Factories, causes and consequences of large, 263, c. 22; position of large, 277, c. 23; accumulation of, 279; removal of, 280; important suggestions, ib.; system, 426.

Fatigue, 32.

Flashing of window-glass, 42.

Flax, Irish, 184.

Fiints, 62.

Fluids, suspension of powders in, 62.

Fly-wheel, 21.

Fly or vane, 30.

Force, M. Rondelet, experiment on, 5.

Forces, extending the time of action of, 45, c. 5; too great for human power, 56, c. 7.

Forestalling, 196.

Frame-work knitters, 347, 375.

France, proportion of agriculturists and non-agriculturists of every hundred persons in, 3; stereotype printing in, 94; communication with England, 451.

French manufacture of pins, 237.

——— table of logarithms, 242.

Furnaces, 288.

Furniture ornaments, 130; coach, 190.

Future prospect of manufactures as connected with science, 454.

Gas meter, 70, 378.

Gas, streams of, 64; condensed, 389.

General inquiries on observing manufactories, 160.

Gilt paper ornaments, 138.

Glasgow, table of increase of population in, 3; printing handkerchiefs at, 90.

Glass-blowing, 42, 116.

Glass seals, 115; square bottles, 116; plate, 199.

Giazier's diamond, 8

Gold and silver moulding, 126; lace, 200; leaf, 211.

Goldbeater's skin, 9.

Gold chains, Venetian, 212.

Governor of steam-engine, 27.

Gun barrels, experiments on, 23; improvement in the manufacture of, 362.

Gun cards, 137.

Gunpowder, force of, 23.

Guns, explosion of, 23.

Great Britain, comparative table of population in, 3.

Hammers, tilt, 36.

Hand, substitute for, 13.

Handkerchiefs, Bandana, 2 (note); printing red cotton, 90.

Handles, knife, 118; umbrella, ib.

Hardness of the diamond, 8.

Hardware, 190.

Harness, plated, 190.

Heading of pins, 232.

Hobnails, 13.

Hoofs of cattle, 9.

Horn, knife handles and umbrella handles, 118; enumeration of its uses, 270.

Horny refuse, 9.

House of Commons, report of the committee upon manufacturers' employment, 3; report on Holyhead roads, 60; evidence on Irish flax, 184; on the watch trade, 187; on woollen trade, 279; on artisans and machinery, 300; report on steam carriages, 337; evidence on frame-work knitters, 347; evidence on copyright act, 384; on calico printing, 422; on export of tools and machinery, 441.

Human power, additions to, 5; time, economy of, 6; forces too great for, 56.

Hydraulic press, 58.

Ice, skaters on, 38; importation of, 194

Identity of work when of the same kind, and its accuracy when of different kinds, 79, c. 10.

imitations of plants, 111; of the human body, ib.; on snuff-boxes, 117.

Increase of population in Manchester, Liverpool, Glasgow, Nottingham, Birmingham, Great Britain, 3.

Increase and diminution of velocity, 32, c. 4.

Influence of verification on price, 181, c. 15; of durability on price, 197, c. 16.

Injection, process of in tanning, 47; of timber, with tar, 48.

Ink, printing, 78; consumption of, ib.; transfer, 101.

Ink-block, 78.

Inquiries, general, on observing manufactories, 160; previous to commencing a manufactory, 298, c. 25.

Inspector, 173.

Instrument to show travelled distance, turns by the wheel of a carriage, strokes made by the steam engine, Mr. Donkin's, 65; for calendering, 66; for ascertaining the rounds of a watchman, 67; to measure liquors, 68; Mr. Henneky's, 69 (note); to measure gas, 70; to measure rain, 73; to note the position of the seconds' hand on the dial-plate of a stop-watch, 74; to ascertain the direction and intensity of an earthquake, 76; to produce copper-plate engravings from medals, 155.

Internal communication of England and France, 451.
Introduction of metals as currency, 166, c. 14.
Iodine, 460.
Irish flax, 184; evidence of Mr. J. Corry on, ib.
Iron, old, use of, 9; rod, as means of communicating signals, 57; casting from, 106; plate for boilers, punching, 134; tinned, 135; rolling, 144; tanks for ships, 164; waste, 200; cast, 214; bar, ib.; duty on bar, 418.
Italy, proportion of agriculturists and non-agriculturists in every hundred persons in, 3.
Jack, smoke, 43, 45; for physical experiments, 46.
Jardin des Plantes, models in the, 111.
Jones, Rev. R. extract from Essay on the Distribution of Wealth, 3.

Labour, price of, at Calicut, 2 (note); division of, 217, c. 19; division of mental, 241, c. 20; effect of machinery in reducing the demand for, 404, c. 32.

Lace, made by caterpillars, 158; (see also Additions); single-press, 185; double-press, ib.; machine for patent net, 265; embroidered, 429.

Lace trade, evidence before the House of Commons on, 185; ditto, 347.

Lace-frames, 349.

Lead, waste of, 200; pig, 214, 216.

Leaden toys, 106; pipes, 143.

Leather, embossing on, 122.

Letter-boxes, of post-office, 55.

Letter-copying, 98.

Lettering books, 95.

Letter-press printing, 93.

Letters, conveyance of, 334.

Lime, sulphate of, 51.

Linen-drapery, deceits in, 188.

Lithographic prints, 100, 103.

Liverpool, table of population in, 3; institution for the blind at, 14; signals at, 44.

Load, most advantageous for porters, 33.

Logarithms, great French tables of, 242.

London manufactures at the court of Bello, 2 (note).

Looking-glasses, 199; table of prices of, 206.

Luddites, 281.

Machine, difference between and a tool, 10; to measure length of cotton goods, 66; to register fluctuating forces, 73; Mr. Brunel's to cut veneer, 77; to produce engraving from medals, 155; Mr. John Bates', 155; American pin-making, 239; for weaving patent net, 265.
Machinery and manufactures, sources of the advantages arising from, 1.
Machinery, division of the objects of, 15; advantage of, as a check against inattention, 65; on contriving, 318; proper circumstances for the application of, 329, c. 28; duration of, 340; effect of in reducing the demand for labour, 404, c. 22; exportation of, 437, c. 34; House of Commons' report on export of and tools, 441.
Machines to wind riband and cotton, 35; counting, for carriages, 65; facilities for removing, 282; causes of failure in, 322; let for hire, 346; for bobbin-net, 425; number of bobbin-net in the kingdom, 430.
Making and manufacturing, distinction between, 163, c. 13.
Manchester, table of increase of population in, 3.
Manufactories, method of observing, 160, c. 12; genera] inquiries, ib.; causes and consequences of large, 263, c. 22; position of large, 277, c. 23; inquiries previous to commencing, 298, c. 25.
Manufacturing, on a new system of, 305, c. 26.
Manufacture, cost of each separate process in a, 253, c. 21
Manufactures at the court of Bello, 2 (note); domestic and political economy of, 163, c. 13, s.2; future prospects of, as connected with science, 453, c. 35.

Manufacturers' employment, report of committee of the House of Commons on, 3.
Masters and workmen, combinations of, 353, c. 30; combinations of masters against the public, 376, c. 31.
Materials, employment of those of little value, 9 (see also Additions), economy of those employed, 77, c.9; prices of the principal used in mines at Cornwall, 202; raw, 210; value, when manufactured, of one pound's worth of raw, 214; waste of in learning, 218.
Matrices, 159.
Medals and coins, 129; machine to produce engraving from, 155.
Memoires de l'Institut, extract from, 162.
Mental labour, division of, 241, c. 20.
Metal, printing from perforated sheets of, 88.
Metallic arsenic, 214.
Metals, casting from, 106; introduction of as currency, 166, c. 14.
Method of observing manufactories, 160, c. 12.
Middle-men, 208, 271.
Military ornaments, 130.
Mines, machinery of, 28, 57; prices of principal materials used in, 202; distribution of labour in, 252; method of remuneration to workmen in, 307.
Mississippi, 52, 278.
Models, in plaster, 110; in wax, in the house of the Horticultural Society, 111; in the Jardin des Plantes, ib.; at Florence, ib.; in Bologna, ib.
Money as a medium of exchange, 166, c. 14; of price as measured by, 201, c. 17.
Moulding, copying by, 112; in china, 114; in glass, 115, 116; in wood, 117; in horn, 118; in tortoiseshell, 119; in pipe-clay, 120; gold and silver, 126.
Mountains, suggestions for measuring the altitude, 31.
Mule-yarn spinning, 410.
Music printing, 86.
Muslin, fibres of, 64.
Nail-heads, 131.
Nail-making, 13, 222.
Needles, 11, 273.
Net, patent, machine for weaving, 265.
New system of manufacturing, 305, c. 26.
Nottingham, table of population in, 3.
Observations on charges for printing,
Observing manufactories, method of, 160, c. 12.
Odessa, earthquake at, 76.
Oil, cajeput, 19
Oil cloth printing, 97.
Operations, registering, 65, c. 8.
Ornamental papers, 127.
Ornaments, military and furniture, 130; gilt paper, 138.
Outlines of a description of any of the mechanical arts ought to contain information on certain points, 160.
Over-manufacturing, 284, c. 14.
Overplus, 387.
Paper, ornamental, 127; gilt, 138; depreciation of, 176; effect of duty on, 260; taxes on, 414.
Papering pins, 234.
Parcels, conveyance of, 192.
Partnerships, limited, 435.
Patent net, machine for weaving, 265.
Patents, 432.
Pedometer, 165.
Pens, steel, 263.
Pentagraph, 147.
Peruvian bark, 461.
Peter the Great, statue of, 56.
Pewter dishes at the court of Bello, 2 (note).
Phials, 189 (note).
Picul of cotton, 255.
Pig iron, materials for smelting, 288.
Pig lead, 214.
Pile-engine, 22.
Pin-making, 228; American machine for, 239.
Pins, wire for, 228; pointing, 230; twisting and cutting heads, 231, heading, 232; tinning, 233; papering, 234; English manufacture, 236; French ditto, 237.
Pipe-clay, moulding in 120.

Pipemaking, 120.
Plaster, casting in, 110.
Plate glass, 199; comparative price of in London, Paris, Berlin, and Petersburgh, 206; silvering of, ib.
Plate-iron, 21.
Plated ware, 190.
Platinum, 166 (note).
Plymouth breakwater, 6.
Pointing pins, 230.
Position of large factories, 277, c. 23.
Post-office letter-boxes, 55.
Power, human, additions to, 5; forces too great for, 56. c. 7.
Power, accumulating, 20, c. 2; regulating, 27, c. 3.
Press-work, 259.
Price, influence of verification on, 181, c. 15; influence of durability on, 197, c. 16; as measured by money, 261, c. 17.
Prices of different articles at Birmingham in 1818—1830, 201; ditto in 1812 and 1832, 202; of principal materials used in mines at Cornwall, 202; of plate glass in London, Paris, and Berlin, 206; of silvering, ib.
Printing, from cavities, 83; copperplate, 84; music, 86; calico from cylinders, 87; from perforated sheets of metal, 88; handkerchiefs, 90; from surface, 91; from blocks, 92; from moveable types, 93; from stereotype, 94; oilcloth, 97; on china, 99; lithographic, 100; register, 104; from copperplates with altered dimensions, 154; this volume, copying through six stages, 159; expense of printing the present volume, 256.
Printing-ink, 78; experiment, ib.; consumption of, ib.
Printing on silver paper, 61.
Profits on a six-shilling book, 380.
Projectors, advice to, 328.
Proper circumstances for the application of machinery, 329, c. 28. Property valued by the standard of currency, 170.
Proportion of agriculturists and non-agriculturists in every 100 persons employed in Bengal, Italy, France, and England, 3.
Public, combination of masters against the 376, c. 31.
Publishers, 380—385.
Punching, 133.
Quantity of materials used for smelting pig-iron, 288.
Quantity of work produced by the stretcher from 1810 to 1832, 409
Quicksilver, 214.
Rack for measuring bobbin net, 360.
Rain, instrument for registering, 7.
Rapids, to remove rocks in, 52; to draw boats up, ib.
Raw materials, 210, c. 18; value, when manufactured, of one pound's worth of, 214.
Readers, 257.
Red-hot cylinders, 64.
Register printing, 104.
Registering operations, 65, c. 8.
Regulating power, 27 c. 3.
Repeating clocks and watches, 74.
Report, House of Commons' committee upon manufacturers' employment, table, 3; on Holyhead roads, 60; on woollen trade, 276; on artisans and machinery, 300; on steam carriages, 337; on frame work knitters, 347, 375; on patents, 432; on export of tools and machinery, 441.
Reprinting old works, 102.
Reviews, 400.
Riband, machines for winding, 35.
Rivers, deepening of, 52.
Rivets, used red hot, 58.
Roasting-jack, 45.
Rogers, Captain, evidence on steam vessels, 60.
Rollers, printing, 78.
Rolling, iron, 144.
Rondelet's experiment on degrees of force, 5.
Rose-engine turning, 149.
Rosettes, 149.
Royal Society, 455.
Rules in particular factories, 355.
Sash-lines, 14.
Scapement movement, 74.
Science, future prospects of manufactures as connected with, 453, c. 35.
Screw-cutting, 153.
Scythes, making, 37.
Seals, glass, 115.

Separation of dense particles by suspension in fluids, 62.
Set-off sheet, 78.
Shoe-last making engine, 151.
Shoe-machinery, 14.
Shots, gun, effects of various, 23.
Signals, communication by, 44, 57.
Silver moulding, 126; leaf, 211.
Silver paper, printing on, 61.
Silvering plate glass, 206.
Simultaneous action, difficulty of, 56.
Six-quarter-frame, 425.
Skating, safety of velocity in, 38.
Skelps, 362.
Skill acquired by frequent repetition of the same process, 222.
Slide of Alpnach, 339.
Sliding rest, 221.
Smelting, 288.
Smoke-jack, 43.
Smuggling, 419.
Snag, 278 (note).
Snuff-boxes, wooden, 117.
Sound employed to save time in giving orders, 7; produce a simultaneous effect, 56.
Sources of the advantages arising from machinery and manufactures, 1.
Spinning by hand and by wheel, 35; expense of cotton in Java, 255; produce of mule-yarn at different periods, 410.
Square numbers, table of, 248.
Square glass bottles, 116.
Stamping, 128.
Statue of Peter the Great, 56.
Steam-carriages, tolls on, 301; report House of Commons on, 337.
Steam-engine, governor of, 27; cataract, 28; uniform supply of fuel to, 29; consuming smoke, ib.; instrument to count number of strokes, 65; duty of, 72; application of to weaving, 260; duty per formed by, 341.
Steam-vessels, 60, 278.
Steel, engraving on, 85; engraving by pressure on, 124; chains, 139; mill, 230; pens, 263.
Stencilling, 88.
Stereotype printing, 94. See also Additions.
Stock purchases, 195.
Stocking trade, frauds in the, 186, 346.
Stop-cock, 68.
Stop-watch, 74, 75.
Stretcher, the, 409.
Subdivision of money, 168.
Substitute for hand, 13.
Sugar and molasses, 417.
Sulphate of lime, 52.
Surface printing, 89, 92.
Suspension of particles in fluid medium, 62.
Swaging, 123.
Table of increase of population in manufacturing towns, 3; of the weight of a square yard of different manufactures, 112; of prices of various articles at Birmingham in 1818—1830, 201; ditto in 1812 and 1832, 202; of the price of plate glass at Paris, Berlin, London, Petersburg, 206; of articles diminished in value in 1812—1832, 209; of Venetian gold chains, 212; of raw material and labour in various manufactures in France, 214; of English pin-making, 236; French ditto, 237; of great French logarithms, 242; of square numbers, 248; of calculation by clocks, 249; of quantity of materials for smelting pig iron, 288; of injuries arising to roads, 301; of force required to draw a coach up various inclinations, 302; of duty performed by a steam engine, 341; of distribution of profits in a six-shilling volume, 380; of comparison of value of raw cotton, and when manufactured, 429; of patents, 432; comparative of internal communications in England and France, 451; of the quantity of work produced by the stretcher from 1810 to 1832, 409.
Tags of boot-laces, 34.
Tanks for ships, 164.
Tanning, 47.
Tar, impregnation of timber with, 48.
Telegraphs, 44.
Tell-tale, 67.
Tiles and bricks, 113. See also Additions.
Tilt-hammer, 36.
Timber, impregnation of with tar, 4.
Time, economy of human, 6; extending the action of forces, 45, c. 5; saving in natural operations, 47, c. 6, required for learning, 218; lost in changing occupation, 220.
Times newspaper, 332.
Tin, tubes for speaking, 7; worn-out, 9.
Tin, waste of, 200, 214.
Tinned iron, punching, 135.
Tinning of pin wire, 233.
Tobacco-pipe making, 120.
Tolls on steam carriages, 301.
Tool, difference between and machine, 20.
Tools, 10; accuracy of work executed by, 79, c. 10; change of, 221; division of labour suggests the contrivance, 224; House of Commons' report on export of, and machinery, 441.
Tortoiseshell, moulding in, 119.
Touch, human, 56, c. 7.
Touch, the, of a rose-engine, 149.
Tube-drawing, 142.
Tug-boat, 53.
Turning by lathe, 79; china, 114; copying by, 148; rose-engine, 149.
Tutwork, 307.
Transfer-ink, 61.
Treblets, 142.
Trees, cutting into planks, 77.
Tributors, 307.
Truck system, 373.
Tympan, 78.
Types, printing from moveable, 94.

Umbrella handles, 118.

Union of theory and practice, 453, c. 35.

Vaillant's experiment, 23.
Value of various articles manufactured from one pound's worth of raw materials, 214; of raw cotton compared with manufactured, 429.
Vane, or fly, 30, 46.
Vegetable productions, casting from, 107.
Veils, lace, made by caterpillars, 158. See also Additions.
Velocity, increase and diminution of, 32c. 4; of the tilt-hammer 36; of skaters, 38; of boats, 39; of carriages, 40; in glass-blowing, 42.
Veneer, Mr. Brunel's machine to cut, 77.
Venetian gold chains, 212, 213. See also Additions.
Verification of quality of sugar; tea, flour, 182; character, a substitute for, 193.
Vermicelli, 146.
Vermilion, 214.
Wages paid in goods, 374; in lace-making, 429.
Waste of materials in learning, 219.
Watch glasses, 420.
Watchmaking, 251.
Watch stop, 74; chains, 139; trade, frauds in the, 187; pendulum, spring of, 213.
Watches and clocks, 45; depreciation of export trade, 187; ancient, 345. Watering calico, 121.
Water-mark, 388.
Water-meter, 71.
Water substituted for shot, 23; reaction of, 39; of brine springs, 50.
Wave, velocity of a, passing through deal, 25.
Wax, casting in, 111.
Wealth, extract from the Rev. R. Jones's Essay on the Distribution of, 3.
Weaving patent net, machine for, 265; by hand and power loom, 411.
Weight of a square yard of different manufactures, 158.
Whitechapel sharps, 273.
Wire-drawing, 141, 228.
Wire, straightening for pins, 229.
Wood, moulding in, 117.
Wood-cuts, printing from, 92.
Wooden snuff-boxes, 117.
Woollen trade, extract from evidence on, 276.
Work, identity of when of the same kind, and its accuracy when of different kinds, 79, c. 10; done by steam-engines in Cornwall, 288.
Workmen, combinations of, 283 314, 315, 353, c. 30.
Works, reprinting old, 102.
Worn-out iron and tin, 9.