Ora Maritima/Note to the Sixth Edition

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4031506Ora Maritima — Note to the Sixth EditionEdward Adolf Sonnenschein


In the present issue of this book I have, in deference to the wishes of many teachers, returned to the principle of marking long vowels in the text, which I adopted in my Parallel Grammar Series. As to the method of carrying out the principle I have stated my views in the Preface (p. vii).

I have also corrected one or two oversights to which I had called attention in previous issues (p. 119, l. I, ‘sometimes not’ for ‘not always’; p. 123, ll. 4 and 8 of §23, ‘tenth for seventh’). On p. 48, l. 5, I have substituted ‘multa ex navigiis’ for ‘magnus numerus navigiorum’ in order to avoid raising a difficulty of construction. And there are a few other minor improvements of this kind (p. 130, §31 B; p. 144 bottom). But in all essentials the book is unchanged.

I herewith express my cordial thanks to those teachers who have pointed out to me misprints or omissions in the vocabularies—in particular to Professor Postgate, Mr. F. E. A. Trayes, Mr. R. S. Haydon, Miss A. F. E. Sanders. These oversights—not very many in number—have all been corrected in the present issue.

May I call the attention of teachers to the mistake, into which pupils easily fall, of pronouncing the word ‘Maritima’ like the French ‘maritime’ with the accent on the syllabie ti-, instead of Marítima?