
Order 23: Creation of a Code of Military Discipline for the New Iraqi Army

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Order 23: Creation of a Code of Military Discipline for the New Iraqi Army
L. Paul Bremer, Coalition Provisional Authority

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229170Order 23: Creation of a Code of Military Discipline for the New Iraqi ArmyL. Paul Bremer, Coalition Provisional Authority



Pursuant to my authority as the head of the Coalition Provisional Authority
(CPA), relevant UN Security Council resolutions including Resolution 1483
(2003), and the laws and usages of war,

Noting that Resolution 1483 appeals to Member States inter alia to assist the
people of Iraq to contribute to conditions of stability and security in Iraq,

Recalling in this regard that CPA Order Number 22 created the New Iraqi Army,

Acknowledging the need to ensure that the New Iraqi Army has a system of
discipline to maintain order,

Noting that CPA Order Number 22 provides for both military and civilian
jurisdiction over members of the New Iraqi Army

I hereby promulgate the following:


“Accused” means a Member of the New Iraqi Army subject to this Code of
Military Discipline, against whom disciplinary proceedings are conducted in
respect of an allegation of a Military Offense under this Code of Military

“Charge” means a formal accusation in writing, prepared at the direction of the
Disciplinary Officer and signed by a Disciplinary Officer, that a Member of the
New Iraqi Army subject to this Code of Military Discipline has committed a
Military Offense,

“Commander of the New Iraqi Army” means the Iraqi officer appointed by the
Administrator of the CPA to command the New Iraqi Army,

“Disciplinary Proceedings” means the investigation into, hearing of and
the decision reached, under this Code of Military Discipline in respect of an
allegation of a Military Offense and includes any appeal of any such decision,

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“Elements of Military Offenses” means the elements of the Offenses required to
be proved to the required criminal standard before a member of the New Iraqi
Army can be convicted of a Military Offense.

“Junior Disciplinary Officer” means either the officer of at least Captain in rank
who at the time of any part of the Disciplinary Proceedings in respect of an
allegation under this Code of Military Discipline commands the company or
equivalent unit, or battalion or equivalent unit of which the Accused is a member,
or the officer of at least the rank of Captain who is appointed, in accordance with
the provisions of this Order, by an officer in command of a Brigade to be the
Junior Disciplinary Officer of the Accused for the Disciplinary Proceedings,

“Member of the New Iraqi Army” means a person serving in the New Iraqi Army
from the time of attestation until the date of termination of service,

“Military Court” means a civilian court with a civilian judge who has been
appointed as a Military Judge pursuant to Section 5 of this Order,

“Military Judge” means a civilian judge with jurisdiction over Military Offenses in
accordance with the provisions of this Order,

“Military Offense” means an act or omission described in Section 3 of this Code
of Military Discipline,

“New Iraqi Army” means the military forces of Iraq organized for the purposes set
forth in this Order including all components of the national armed forces of Iraq,
specifically including the ground forces recruited, trained, and organized as the
first step in the process of creating a military defense force for the new Iraq.
Unless the context clearly requires otherwise, all references to the “New Iraqi
Army” are references to any element of the national defense forces of Iraq,

“Senior Disciplinary Officer” means either the officer of at least Lieutenant
Colonel in rank who at the time of any part of the Disciplinary Proceedings in
respect of an allegation under this Code of Military Discipline commands the
Battalion of which the Accused is a member, or the officer of at least the rank of
Lieutenant Colonel who is appointed, in accordance with the provisions of this
Order, by the Commander of the New Iraqi Amy to be the Senior Disciplinary
Officer of the Accused for the Disciplinary Proceedings.

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1) Members of the New Iraqi Army are subject to this Code of Military
Discipline at all times from the date of their attestation until the date of
termination of service.

2) A Member of the New Iraqi Army who is subsequently determined to have
been ineligible for service in the New Iraqi Army remains subject to the Code of
Military Discipline until discharged.

3) All Members of the New Iraqi Army will remain subject to the jurisdiction
of the civilian courts while serving as Members of the New Iraqi Army; provided,
Members of the New Iraqi Army enjoy immunity from civilian criminal
prosecution or civil liability for acts or omissions arising within the scope of their
duties and authorized operations to the same degree as other governmental


1) Any Member of the New Iraqi Army subject to this Code of Military
Discipline who commits any of the following shall commit a Military Offense and
shall be liable on conviction to any punishment laid down in Sections 10 and 13 of
this Order.

mistreatment of Members of the New Iraqi Army of inferior rank;
causing or engaging in a disturbance or behaving in a disorderly
behaving in an insubordinate manner;
striking a Member of the New Iraqi Army or a member of another
armed force of superior rank or civilian instructor placed in
authority over the accused;
while on sentry duty either
engaging in misconduct, or
failing to do the Member’s duty;
disobeying a lawful order;
drunkenness if, owing to the influence of alcohol or any drug,
whether alone or in combination with any other circumstances, the
Member is:
unfit to be entrusted with his duty,
unfit to be entrusted with any duty which the Member was
reasonably aware that he could be called upon to perform,
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behaving in a disorderly manner, or;
behaving in any manner likely to bring discredit on the New
Iraqi Army;
absence without leave;
avoiding the performance of a duty or negligently performing a
making a false statement concerning any official matter relating to
the New Iraqi Army;
fighting with another Member of the New Iraqi Army;
willfully or by neglect damaging or causing damage to or the loss
of any property of the New Iraqi Army;
conduct to the prejudice of good order or military discipline;
behaving in a manner likely to bring discredit on the New Iraqi
2) The Elements of the Military Offenses are contained in Annex A to this

3) Any Member of the New Iraqi Army subject to this Code of Military
Discipline who commits a civilian criminal offense shall be guilty, by reason of so
doing, of a Military Offense against this Section and liable to trial, and on
conviction, to any punishment under the provisions of this Order.

4) Any Member of the New Iraqi Army subject to this Code of Military
Discipline or any other person who by the law of war is subject to trial by a
Military Court for any crime or offense against the law of war who commits a
violation of the law of war as adopted by Iraq or recognized as customary
international law shall be guilty, by reason of so doing, of a Military Offense
against this Section and liable to trial, and on conviction, to any punishment under
the provisions of this Order. In the event the law of war convention or treaty was
adopted without specifying the penalty for violations or otherwise fails to specify
the criminal penalty, the maximum penalty shall be the maximum penalty
specified for the most closely analogous offense under the civilian criminal code.


1) Junior Disciplinary Officers have jurisdiction over all Military Offenses
created under this Order, with the exception of the Military Offenses created under
Sections 3(3) or 3(4), in respect of Members of the New Iraqi Army below the
rank of Lieutenant.

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2) An officer in the New Iraqi Army, not below the rank of Captain may be
appointed in writing as a Junior Disciplinary Officer by an officer in command of
a Brigade to be the Junior Disciplinary Officer of the accused in respect of the
allegation of the commission of any Military Offense.

3) Senior Disciplinary Officers have jurisdiction over all Military Offenses
created under this Order, with the exception of the Military Offenses created under
Sections 3(3) or 3(4), in respect of members of the New Iraqi Army in the rank of
Lieutenant and above, so long as the Senior Disciplinary Officer is at least one
rank above the Accused. Senior Disciplinary Officers have jurisdiction over all
appeals of decisions of Junior Disciplinary Officers.

4) An officer in the New Iraqi Army, not below the rank of Lieutenant
Colonel may be appointed in writing as a Senior Disciplinary Officer by the
Commander of the New Iraqi Army to be the Senior Disciplinary Officer of the
accused in respect of the allegation of the commission of any Military Offense.


1) Military Courts have jurisdiction over those Military Offenses created
under Sections 3(3) and 3(4) of this Order.

2) Military Judges have jurisdiction over those Military Offenses created
under Sections 3(3) and 3 (4) of this Order.

3) In circumstances in which allegations against an Accused involve Military
Offenses under both Section 3(1) and Section 3(3) or 3(4), then the Military Court
and Military Judge to which such matters are referred will have jurisdiction over
Military Offenses under Section 3(1) in addition to those under Section 3(3) or

4) Military Judges will be selected from sitting civil judges. The Senior
Advisor, Ministry of Justice, in coordination with the Interim Minister of the
Justice will appoint such civil judges, as he may deem appropriate, to be Military
Judges on a standing basis who will sit as Military Judges when a Military Offense
is referred to them in accordance with the provisions of this Order.

5) A civil court in which a Military Judge is conducting Disciplinary
Proceedings in respect of a Military Offense will be deemed to be a Military Court
for the duration of those Disciplinary Proceedings.

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In circumstances in which a Member of the New Iraqi Army has been convicted
by a Military Court then the appellate court to which any appeal is made will have
jurisdiction over any Military Offense referred. Appeals will be made to the
appellate court with jurisdiction to hear appeals from the trial court.


1) Any Member of the New Iraqi Army subject to this Code of Military
Discipline found committing a Military Offense, or reasonably suspected of
committing a Military Offense, may be arrested in accordance with the provisions
of this Section.

2) A Member of the New Iraqi Army subject to this Code of Military
Discipline may be arrested by (a) a Member of the New Iraqi Army of superior
rank, (b) by a civilian instructor placed in authority over the accused, (c) by a
civilian police officer acting within the officer’s authority, or a Member of the
New Iraqi Army serving in a provost position.

3) As soon as possible, but in any event no later than 24 hours following
arrest, the arrested Member of the New Iraqi Army must be informed of the
reasons for his arrest.

4) Within 24 hours of arrest, unless the exigencies of operational
circumstances prevent it, a Disciplinary Officer must be informed of the arrest and
must consider the necessity of retaining the Member of the New Iraqi Army in
arrest. The Disciplinary Officer shall order the release of the arrested Member of
the New Iraqi Army unless he reasonably believes that if released:

the arrested Member of the New Iraqi Army will absent himself or
flee disciplinary proceedings;
there is a risk that evidence will be lost, tainted or destroyed; or
the arrested Member of the New Iraqi Army will commit further
Military Offenses if released.
5) If, in accordance with Section 7(5) of the present Order, the Disciplinary
Officer shall have determined that the member of the New Iraqi Army under arrest
shall be further retained, the period of such further retention shall not, unless the
exigencies of operational circumstances prevent it, exceed 48 hours.

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6) Except for the exigencies of operational circumstances or the referral of the
matter to a Military Court, before the expiration of the period of 72 hours of arrest,
the Disciplinary Officer must have either released the Member of the New Iraqi
Army under arrest from arrest under this Section or dealt with the allegation of the
Military Offense upon which the arrest is based through Disciplinary Officer
action or referral to a Military Court.

7) In circumstances in which a suitable facility within a military location in
which the Accused can be retained under arrest is unavailable, use may be made,
with the agreement of the civilian police, of such civilian police or prison facilities
as may be available.

8) Upon referral to a Military Court, that Military Court will determine
whether an Accused shall remain in arrest on the basis of the civil procedures
applicable in that court.


1) An allegation that a Member of the New Iraqi Army has committed a
Military Offense created under Section 3(1), Section 3(3), or Section 3(4) shall be
reported to a Disciplinary Officer, who shall cause each such allegation to be

2) In circumstances involving an allegation of a Military Offense under
Section 3(3) or Section 3(4), the Disciplinary Officer will act in accordance with
Section 13 of this Order.

3) In circumstances in which allegations against an Accused involve Military
Offenses under both Section 3(1) and Section 3(3) or Section 3(4), the
Disciplinary Officer shall, if the Disciplinary Officer considers it is in the interests
of justice for the matters to be tried together, refer all allegations to a Military
Judge in accordance with Section 13 of this Order.

4) During the course of an investigation into an allegation of a Military
Offense under section 3(1), if it becomes necessary to speak to the Accused, the
Accused shall be offered the opportunity to have an officer of the member’s
choice, if reasonably available, and of at least the rank of the investigator present
during the conversation to assist the Accused. It shall be explained that the
Accused is not obliged to say anything unless the Accused wishes to do so. The
answers of the Accused will be written down sequentially, together with the
questions asked and the Accused shall have an opportunity to sign the record as

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1) In the case of an allegation against an Accused with respect to of a Military
Offense under Section 3(1), the Disciplinary Officer will decide whether the
evidence discovered during the investigation would support a Charge being
preferred against the Accused.

2) If the Disciplinary Officer determines that a Charge should be preferred, the
Charge shall be reduced to writing, signed by the Disciplinary Officer and a copy
given to the Accused.

3) At the same time or as soon as reasonably practicable thereafter the
Accused shall be provided a copy of all documentary evidence and access to all
real evidence with respect to the charged Military Offense.


1) The Accused shall have at least 24 hours to prepare for the Disciplinary
Hearing. The 24-hour period shall begin when the written Charge or copy of the
evidence is provided to the Accused, whichever is later.

2) The Accused shall have the assistance of an Officer of his choice, subject to
reasonable availability, in preparing for and during the Disciplinary Hearing.

3) Disciplinary Hearings will not be open to the Public.

4) Disciplinary Hearings will be conducted in accordance with the procedures
set forth in Administrative Instructions issued by the Administrator of the CPA or
by a civilian member of the CPA reporting directly to the Administrator and to
whom authority to issue such Administrative Instructions is delegated.

5) Disciplinary Hearings shall be conducted in a manner that provides for the
basic rights of an Accused, including but not limited to the following rights:

the Accused shall have the Charge explained by the Disciplinary
the Accused shall have the right to question witnesses called to give
evidence against the Accused;
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the Accused shall have the right to present evidence in support of his
case, and if convicted, to present evidence or speak in mitigation of his
the Accused shall have the right to remain silent and have no adverse
consideration taken by the exercise of this right
6) A Disciplinary Officer, having considered all the evidence presented to
him, will only find an Accused guilty of the Military Offense charged if the
Disciplinary Officer is satisfied that Accused committed the Offense in respect of
each of the elements of the Military Offense listed in the Annex to this Order.


1) In adjudicating cases involving enlisted or non-commissioned personnel, a
Disciplinary Officer may award the following punishments in respect of each
Military Offense of which the member has been found guilty:

Detention for a period not longer than 7 days;
Fine not exceeding 14 days’ pay;
A reprimand;
Extra duties to a maximum of 7 days;
In respect of a Private First Class, Corporal, or Sergeant, reduction
by one rank;
Stoppages of pay in respect of damage or loss caused by the act or
acts which formed the basis of the Offense charged, not exceeding
14 days’ pay.
2) A Junior Disciplinary Officer may combine those punishments listed in
Sections 11(1)(b) and 11(1)(f), except that no more than 28 days pay may be taken
from the convicted member of the New Iraqi Army in respect of all the Offenses
dealt with by the Junior Disciplinary Officer at one hearing.

3) Detention may only be awarded to a Private, Private First Class, or
Corporal. It may not be combined with any other punishment except stoppages of

Reduction in rank may not be combined with any other punishment.

A reprimand and extra duties may be combined with any other punishment
not otherwise excepted under this Section.

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6) In adjudicating cases involving officers, a Senior Disciplinary Officer may
only award the following punishments in respect of each Military Offense of
which the member has been found guilty:

Fine not exceeding 14 days’ pay;
A reprimand;
Extra duties to a maximum of 7 days;
Stoppages of pay in respect of damage or loss caused by the act or
acts which formed the basis of the Offense charged, not exceeding
14 days’ pay.
7) A Senior Disciplinary Officer may combine those punishments listed in
Sections 11(6)(a) and 11(6)(d), except that no more than 28 days pay may be taken
from the convicted Member of the New Iraqi Army in respect of all the Offenses
dealt with by the Senior Disciplinary Officer at one hearing.

8) A reprimand and extra duties may be combined with any other punishment
not otherwise excepted under this Section.


1) An Accused who has been convicted by a Junior Disciplinary Officer of a
Military Offense under Section 3(1) of this Code of Military Discipline shall be
entitled to appeal to the Senior Disciplinary Officer. An Accused must submit the
appeal and any supporting evidence in writing to the officer in command of the
convicted member within 14 days of the Disciplinary Hearing.

2) An Accused who is an officer of the New Iraqi Army who is convicted by a
Senior Disciplinary Officer of a Military Offense under Section 3 (1) of this Code
of Military Discipline shall be entitled to appeal to the Commander of the New
Iraqi Army or the senior Commander of the New Iraqi Army. An Accused must
submit the appeal and any supporting evidence in writing to the officer in
command of the convicted member within 14 days of the Disciplinary Hearing.


1) In the case of an allegation of a Military Offense under Section 3(3) or
Section 3(4) the Disciplinary Officer will refer the allegation, together with all
available evidence relating to the allegation, to a Military Judge for consideration.

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2) Where an investigation into an allegation of a Military Offense under
Section 3(1) discovers evidence of additional Military Offenses under Section 3(3)
or Section 3(4), the Disciplinary Officer shall terminate the investigation and refer
the allegation, together with all available evidence, to a Military Judge for

3) In accordance with Section 8(3) of this Order, where there are allegations
against an Accused involving Military Offenses under both Section 3(1) and
Section 3(3) or Section 3(4) the Disciplinary Officer shall, if the Disciplinary
Officer considers it in the interests of justice for the matters to be tried together,
refer all allegations, together with all available evidence, to a Military Judge.

4) The Military Judge will investigate and otherwise deal with the allegation
of the Military Offense referred in accordance with this Section in the manner
applicable for civil Offenses laid down in the Iraqi Law of Criminal Procedure
1971 as amended by Iraqi law and by CPA Orders.


The Military Judge will apply the sentences appropriate to the civil Offense
charged under the provisions of Section 3(3) or Section 3(4), except that in
determining the appropriate level of sentence within the sentencing range for the
Offense, the Military Judge may consider the impact that the Military Offense had
on good order and discipline within the New Iraqi Army.


1) An Accused who has been convicted by a Military Judge of a Military
Offense shall be entitled to appeal in accordance with civil procedures.

2) The court hearing the appeal will consider the matter appealed in
accordance with the applicable law and procedure for civil Offenses laid down in
the Iraqi Law of Criminal Procedure 1971 with amendments and as amended by
CPA Orders and the Third Edition of the Iraqi Penal Code 1969, with amendments
and as amended by CPA Orders.


The Iraqi Military Law Code Number 13 of 1940, the Iraqi Military Procedures
Code Number 44 of 1941, the Code of Legal Notification of Military Personnel

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mistreating in any way of a Members of the New Iraqi Army of
inferior rank;

an act that amounted to mistreatment; and
the act was committed by a Member of the New Iraqi Army of superior
rank (hereinafter in this subsection “superior rank”) on a Member of the
New Iraqi Army or a member of another armed force acting with the New
Iraqi Army of inferior rank; and
the superior rank (accused) knew the victim was inferior in rank; and
the superior rank (accused) deliberately carried out the act; and
the superior rank (accused) knew that the act amounted to mistreatment
“Mistreatment” means unwarranted, harmful, abusive, rough, or other unjustifiable
treatment which, under all the circumstances:

(a) results in physical or mental pain or suffering, and
(b) is unwarranted, unjustified and unnecessary for any lawful purpose.
causing or engaging in a disturbance or behaving in a disorderly

the accused EITHER
caused a disturbance, OR
became involved in a disturbance, OR
behaved in a disorderly manner; and
the accused acted in such a manner deliberately.
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behaving in an insubordinate manner;

the actions OR words of the accused were insubordinate, insulting or
disrespectful to a Member of the New Iraqi Army or a member of another
armed force of
superior rank (hereinafter in this subsection “superior rank”) or a civilian
instructor placed in authority over the accused; and
the actions OR words of the accused were used in the presence of the
superior or civilian instructor placed in authority over the accused; and
the accused knew that the superior or civilian instructor placed in authority
over the accused was his or her superior or civilian instructor placed in
authority over the accused; and
the accused deliberately spoke or acted in such insulting or disrespectful
striking a Member of the Iraqi Army, a member of another armed
force acting with the New Iraqi Army of superior rank, or civilian
instructor placed in authority over the accused (hereinafter in this
subsection “superior”)

the accused struck a Member of the New Iraqi Army, a member of another
armed force acting with the New Iraqi Army, or civilian instructor placed in
authority over the accused; and
the accused had no lawful excuse for striking the superior or civilian
instructor placed in authority over the accused; and
the accused knew that the superior or civilian instructor placed in authority
over the accused was his or her superior or civilian instructor placed in
authority over the accused; and
the accused deliberately struck the superior or civilian instructor placed in
authority over the accused
“Strike” means an intentional blow, and includes any offensive touching of the
person of the superior, however slight.

while on sentry duty either
engaging in misconduct, or
failing to do the Member’s duty;

the accused was on sentry duty; and
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the accused EITHER
deliberately engaged in misconduct, OR
the accused failed to carry out a duty whether deliberately or by
disobeying a lawful order

an order was given to the accused; and
the order was lawful; and
the accused was aware of the order having been given to him; and
the accused deliberately or by neglect did not obey the order.
drunkenness if, owing to the influence of alcohol or any drug, whether
alone or in combination with any other circumstances, the Member is:
unfit to be entrusted with his duty,
unfit to be entrusted with any duty which the Member was
reasonably aware that he could be called upon to perform;
behaving in a disorderly manner, or;
behaving in any manner likely to bring discredit on the New
Iraqi Army;

the accused knowingly took alcohol OR drugs; and
as a result thereof the accused EITHER
was unfit to be entrusted with his duties, OR
was unfit to be entrusted with any duty that he was reasonably aware
he could be called upon to perform, OR
behaved in a disorderly manner, OR
behaved in a manner likely to bring discredit on the Defence Force.
absence without leave

the accused was required to be at his place of duty; and
the accused was not at his place of duty; and
the accused later returned to his place of duty; and
the accused did not have permission or a reasonable excuse for being away
from his place of duty.
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avoiding the performance of a duty or negligently performing a duty

the accused had a duty to perform; and
the accused was aware of that duty; and, EITHER
the accused did not perform that duty; and
the accused did not perform the duty either deliberately or by
neglect, OR
the accused performed the duty to a poor standard; and
the accused performed the duty to a poor standard either deliberately
or by neglect
making a false statement concerning any official matter relating to the
New Iraqi Army

the accused made a statement about official New Iraqi Army matters; and
the statement was false in a significant way; and
the accused knew that the statement was false at the time he made it.
without reasonable excuse, fighting with another Member of the New
Iraqi Army;

the accused was involved in a fight; and
the accused's involvement in the fight was deliberate; and
the fight was with another Member of the New Iraqi Army; and
the accused did not have a reasonable excuse for fighting.
willfully or by neglect damaging or causing damage to or the loss of
any property of the New Iraqi Army;

the accused lost OR damaged property of the New Iraqi Army; and
that loss or damage resulted from EITHER
the deliberate acts of the accused, OR
the neglect of the accused.
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conduct to the prejudice of good order or military discipline

an act or omission by the accused; and
such act or omission was likely to prejudice good order or military
the accused was aware, at the time of such act or omission, that the same
was likely to prejudice good order or military discipline.
behaving in a manner likely to bring discredit on the New Iraqi Army

an act or omission by the accused; and
such act or omission caused discredit to the New Iraqi Army; and
the accused was aware, at the time of such act or omission, that the act or
omission was likely to bring discredit on the New Iraqi Army.
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