Oregon Historical Quarterly/Volume 27/Articles in the Oregon Historical Quarterly Relating to the Columbia River
Compiled by Nellie B. Pipes
Barry, J. N. Trail of the Astorians. Vol. 13, pages 227–239. Sept. 1912. Traces the route of the overland Astorians by present geographical names.
Biddle, James. Report of the taking possession, in the name of the United States, of both shores of the Columbia. 1818. Vol. 3, pages 310–311. Sept. 1902.
Captain Biddle, in command of the U. S. S. Ontario, was sent by the United States to resume possession of the post and territory at the mouth of the Columbia, in accordance with a provision of the Treaty of Ghent. The article cited contains an extract from the Log of the Ontario.
Boit, John. Log of the Columbia, 1790–93; introduction by F. G. Young, annotations by F. W. Howay, T. C. Elliott and E. S. Meany. Vol. 22, pages 257–351. Dec. 1921.
The Columbia's first voyage was memorable as the first circumnavigation of the globe by an American ship. On the second voyage of which this is the Log, the Columbia river was discovered. Of the official log of the Columbia there is only the fragment from May 7th to May 21st, which includes the entrance of the river. Boit's Journal is the only complete record in existence of this second voyage and is now in the possession of the Massachusetts Historical Society.
Bourne, E.G. Aspects of Oregon history before 1840. Vol. 6, pages 255–275. Sept. 1905. Review of early congressional action in regard to the occupation of the Oregon country in the United States.
Broughton, W. R.Log of H. M. S. "Chatham;" with editorial notes by T. C. Elliott. Vol. 18, pages 231–248. Dec. 1917.
The Chatham was the armed tender accompanying Capt. Vancouver, in the Discovery, on his voyage to the North Pacific in 1792. At Nootka Capt. Gray informed Vancouver of the existence of the Columbia river and on Vancouver's return journey he sent Lieut Broughton and the Chatham to make some explorations of the river. This Log covers the five days preceding the departure of Lieut. Broughton in small boats for the further examination of the river.
Brown, W. C. Old Fort Okanogan and the Okanogan trail. Vol. 15, pages 1–38. March, 1914. This was the first inland post established by the Pacific Fur Co.
Elliott, T. C. David Thompson, Pathfinder, and the Columbia River. Vol. 12, pages 195–205. Sept. 1911.
Elliott, T. C. Earliest Travelers on the Oregon Trail. Vol. 13, pages 71–84. March, 1912
Elliott, T. C. Fur Trade in the Columbia River Basin Prior to 1811. Vol. 15, pages 241–251. Dec. 1914.
"It is the purpose of this paper to designate ad seriatim the trading posts that had been built and in use west of the Rocky mountains prior to the founding of Astoria and to sketch the beginnings of the fur trade on the waters of the mighty Columbia river."
Elliott, T. C. Dalles–Celilo Portage; its history and influence. Vol. 16, pages 133–174. June, 1915.
Elliott, T. C. Peter Skene Ogden, Fur Trader. Vol 11, pages 229–278. Sept. 1910.
Elliott, T. C. Where is Point Vancouver? Vol. 18, pages 73–82. June, 1917.
Identification of the point reached by Lieut. W. R. Broughton (of the Chatham), October 30th, 1792, and named by him for Captain George Vancouver.
Elliott, T. C. An Event of One Hundred Years Ago. Vol. 19, pages 181–187. Sept. 1918.
An account of the re-taking of Astoria by Captain Biddle in 1818. In the war of 1812 the post at Astoria was taken by the British. Subsequently in the Treaty of Ghent it was agreed that all places seized in the war should be restored. Accordingly, Captain James Biddle of the U. S. S. Ontario and Mr. J. B. Prevost were appointed joint commissioners to act on behalf of the United States. When they reached Chile differences arose between the two men and Prevost left the ship. Biddle proceeded to the Columbia, and on August 19, 1818, carried out his instructions by taking formal possession of the country, nailing to a tree a board, on one side of which was painted the American coat of arms, and on the other an account of the proceedings
Elliott, T. C. Surrender at Astoria in 1818. Vol. 19, pages 271-282. Dec. 1918.
J. B. Prevost's report of the surrender of Astoria by the British. After leaving the Ontario Prevost joined Hiş Majesty's sloop of war Blossom and proceeded to the Columbia in company with Captain Hickey, who was on his way to carry out the orders of the British government for surrendering the post. On the 6th of October the British flag was hauled down and that of the United States raised in its stead.
Elliott, T. C. Northern Boundary of Oregon. Vol. 20, pages 25-34. March, 1919.
Contains a letter dated December, 1825, from J. H. Pelly, governor of the Hudson's Bay Company, to George Canning, British Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, in which it is stated that the Hudson's Bay Company post was moved from Fort George (Astoria) to Vancouver at the suggestion of Canning and named by Sir George Simpson.
Elliott, T. C. Northwest Boundaries; Some Hudson's Bay Company Correspondence. 1826. Vol 20, pages 331344. Dec. 1919.
These are documents consisting of questions relating to settlements on the Columbia river addressed to Sir George Simpson by Henry W. Addington, commissioner, and Simpson's reply thereto.
Elliott, T. C. Strange case of Jonathan Carver and the Name Oregon. Vol. 21, pages 341-368. Dec. 1920.
Elliott, T. C. Origin of the Name Oregon. Vol. 22, pages 91-115. June, 1921.
Elliott, T. C. Jonathan Carver's Source of the Name Oregon. Vol. 23, pages 52-69. March, 1922.
Elliott, T. C. David Thompson and Beginnings in Idaho. Vol. 21, pages 49-61. June, 1920.
Elliott, T. C. David Thompson, Pathfinder, and the Columbia River. Vol. 26, pages 191-202. June, 1925.
A revision of the paper published in the Quarterly, Vol. 12.
Galvani, W. H. Early Explorations and the Origin of the Name of the Oregon Country. Vol. 21, pages 332-340 Dec. 1920.
Gray, Robert. Remnant of the official log of the Columbia, May 7th to May 21, 1792, containing an account of her entrance into Gray's Harbor and the Columbia river. Annotations by T. C. Elliott. Vol. 22, pages 352-356. Dec 1921
Holman, F. V. Some Important Results From the Expeditions of John Jacob Astor to and From the Oregon Country. Vol. 12, pages 206-219. Sept. 1911.
Howay, F. W. Early Navigation of the Straits of Fuca. Vol. 12, pages 1-32. March, 1911.
Refutation of the claim that the Washington, under Captain Gray was the first vessel to navigate the Straits of Fuca and to circumnavigate Vancouver Island.
Howison, N. M. Report on Oregon, 1846. Vol. 14, pages 1-60. March, 1913.
Lieut. Howison of the U. S. Navy was detailed by the Secretary of the Navy to make an examination of the situation in Oregon. He was in the territory from July 1, 1846, to January 18, 1847. His report supplies definite information on the trade, shipping, productions, towns, Indian population and general development of Oregon at this stage. It may be of interest to note that before he left he presented a flag to Governor Abernethy and expresses his pride that this should be the first United States flag to wave over the purely American territory of Oregon.
Judson, K. B. British Side of the Restoration of Fort Astoria. Vol. 20, pages 243-260; 305-330. Dec. 1919.
The basis of this article is the information gathered by the writer by an examination of several hundred volumes in the British Public Record office dating from 1790 to 1867. One point in the British contention relating to the restoration of Astoria was that as they had never recognized the right of the United States to the territory, the capture was not a capture of conquest, but a reassertion of His Majesty's claims and therefore did not come within the provision of the first article of the Treaty of Ghent, which provided for the restitution of all places captured by either side.
Lewis, A. T. Meriwether Lewis. Vol. 6, pages 391-402. Dec. 1905.
McLoughlin, John. Narrative. Vol. 1, pages 192-206. June, 1900.
Statement in defense of his policy addressed to some one in London. Undated, but covers the period from 1825 to 1845.
Ordway, John. Letter to his parents, April 8th, 1804. Vol. 23, pages 268-269. Sept. 1922.
Ordway was a member of the Lewis and Clark expedition, and this letter was written from Camp River Dubois, their winter quarters. He gives some information about the expedition and mentions the route they are to take to the western ocean, and the great reward for this expedition they are to receive when they return-"15 dollars per month, and at least 400 ackers of first rate land."
Rees, J. E. Oregon—Its Meaning, Origin and Application. Vol. 21, pages 317-331. Dec. 1920.
Scott, H. W. Beginnings of Oregon—Exploration and Early Settlement at the Mouth of the Columbia River. Vol 5, pages 101-119. June, 1904.
Slacum, W. A. Memorial praying compensation for his service in obtaining information in relation to the settlements on the Oregon River. 1837. Vol. 13, pages 175-224. June, 1912.
This was printed as Senate Executive Document No. 24, 25th Congress, 2nd Session. Slacum was an officer in the U. S. Navy and was commissioned by the Government to "obtain some specific and authentic information in regard to the inhabitants of the country in the neighborhood of the Oregon or Columbia River, and generally endeavor to obtain all such information, political, physical, statistical and geographical, as may prove useful or interesting to this Government."
Thompson, David. Journal, with editorial notes by T. C. Elliott. Vol. 15, pages 39-63; 104-125. March; June, 1914
This portion of Thompson's Journal relates to his trip from Kettle Falls to Astor's post at Astoria, and back to Spokane House. After building a canoe at Kettle Falls he starts on his voyage to the mouth of the Columbia. The Journal begins: "July 3, 1811, Voyage to the mouth of the Columbia, by the grace of God, By D. Thompson and seven men on the part of the N. W. Company." He arrived there July 15th and makes the following entry: "At 1 P. M. thank God for our safe arrival, we came to the House of Mr. Astor's Company, Messrs. McDougal, Stuart & Stuart, who received me in the most polite manner, and here we hope to stay a few days to refresh ourselves." On July 22nd he set off on the return journey, and prays "Kind Providence to send us a good journey to my family and friends." He arrives at Spokane House August 13th. "Thank God for His mercy to us on this journey."
Thwaites, R. G. Story of Lewis and Clark Journals. Vol. 6, pages 26-53. March, 1903.
In this article Mr. Thwaites traces the collection, disposition and final publication of the Lewis and Clark manuscripts
U. S. Congress. Report of the committee * * *[on] an inquiry into the situation of the settlements on the Pacific Ocean, and the expediency of occupying the Columbia River; accompanied with a bill to authorize the occupation of the Columbia River. January 25, 1821. Vol 8, pages 51-75. March, 1907.
This is known as Floyd's Report.
U. S. Congress. Report of the select committee * * * [on] the expediency of occupying the mouth of the Columbia River. April 15, 1824. Vol. 8, pages 290-294. Sept. 1907.
This embodies a report from Brig. Gen. T. S. Jesup, addressed to Floyd.
Warre and Vavasour. Military reconnoissance in Oregon, 1845-46; edited by Joseph Schafer. Vol. 10, pages 1-99. March, 1909.
Warre and Vavasour were British officers sent on a secret mission by their Government to "obtain a general knowledge of the capabilities of the Oregon territory in a military point of view, in order that we may be enabled to act immediately and with effect in defense of our rights in that quarter, should those rights be infringed by any hostile aggression or encroachment on the part of the United States.'"
Wilkes, Charles. Report on the Territory of Oregon, 1842. Vol. 12, pages 269-299. Sept. 1911.
During the session of Congress, January, 1843, an effort to have this report made public failed. The reluctance of the administration to make it public was due partly to the earnest plea in it that the line of 54-40 should be maintained, and also on account of the outlined plan of military occupation of the region. It was not until July 15, 1911, that it was finally printed in the Congressional Record.
Young, F. G. Higher Significance in the Lewis and Clark Exploration. Vol. 6, pages 1-25. March, 1905.
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