Oregon Historical Quarterly/Volume 53

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Number 1 (March)

  • Voting Behavior in Oregon: An Analysis. by Leonie N. Brooke
  • Klamath Indians and the Oregon Wagon Road Grant, 1864-1938. by Jerry A. O'Callaghan
  • The Bridge of the Gods in Fact and Fancy. by Ella Clark
  • "Reviews"
  • "Affiliated Societies"
  • "News Notes"
  • OHS Board, Staff, Pubs

Number 2 (June)

  • Election of Senator Chamberlain, the People's Choice. by Russell G. Hendricks
  • Union Woolen Mill Company: A Successful Decade. by Alfred L. Lomax
  • The Life of Sarah Winnemucca: The Formative Years. by George F. Brimlow
  • "Reviews"
  • "Affiliated Societies"
  • "News Notes"
  • OHS Board, Staff, Pubs

Number 3 (September)

  • George N. Sanders, "Influence Man" for the Hudson's Bay Company. by John S. Galbraith
  • Oregon and California Railroad Land Grant Management. by Oswald West
  • Some Nez Perce Traditions Told by Chief Armstrong. ed. by Ella E. Clark
  • "Documents". ed. by various people
  • "Affiliated Societies"
  • OHS Board, Staff

Number 4 (December)

  • The Annual Society Address: For the Land's Sake. by Howard J. Burnham
  • Notes on the Early History of Grant County. by H. S. Nedry
  • "Affiliated Societies"
  • "Minutes of the Annual Meeting"
  • "Index"
  • OHS Board, Staff, Pubs

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