Organization of the Centers for Disease Control, Ministry of Health and Welfare Act

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Organization of the Centers for Disease Control, Ministry of Health and Welfare Act (2013)
Republic of China (Taiwan) Law, translated by Ministry of Justice, accessed on 2019-08-25

  1. Formulated and Promulgated in eight articles on June 19, 2013, under Hua-Tsung-I-Yi No. 10200113971.
Republic of China (Taiwan) Law2888392Organization of the Centers for Disease Control, Ministry of Health and Welfare Act2013Ministry of Justice, accessed on 2019-08-25
Article 1
For the purpose of implementing prevention and control of communicable diseases, the Ministry of Health and Welfare shall establish the Centers for Diseases Control (hereafter referred to as the CDC).
Article 2
The CDC shall implement the following matters:
1. Planning, execution of policies and formulating relevant regulations concerning the prevention and control of communicable diseases (hereafter referred to as disease control);
2. Prevention, control, investigation, research and laboratory testing of various communicable diseases (hereafter referred to as diseases);
3. Reporting and epidemic surveillance of diseases within the country and international collection and exchange of epidemic intelligence;
4. Preparedness and response to outbreaks of diseases and emergency management and handling;
5. Provision of disease control pharmaceuticals, government-funded vaccines, biologics, and immunization against notifiable diseases;
6. Quarantine inspection and sanitary management (hereafter referred to as quarantine) at international ports and health management of foreign laborers;
7. Formulation of laboratory testing methods and accreditation of laboratory testing and management of bio-safety;
8. Training of disease control and quarantine professionals;
9. International cooperation and exchange on matters concerning disease control and quarantine;
10. Other matters concerning disease control.
Article 3
There shall be in the CDC one director-general at grade 13; two deputy directors-general at grade 12 each.
Two of the personnel mentioned in the preceding paragraph may be relevant medical personnel of grade 1 in accordance with the Medical Personnel Management Act.
Article 4
There shall be in the CDC one chief-secretary at grade 11.
Article 5
Researchers and associate researchers of the CDC may be appointed in accordance with the Act of Governing the Appointment of Educators; their retirement and pension shall be handled in accordance with relevant regulations of school teachers, and shall be reported to the Ministry of Health and Welfare for approval.
Article 6
One of the division directors or deputy division directors, one of the center directors or deputy center directors, and one-fifth of the senior technical specialists, when necessary, may be appointed from relevant medical personnel of grade 1 in accordance with the Medical Personnel Management Act.
There may be medical personnel in the CDC. Their appointment shall follow the Medical Personnel Management Act.
The titles, ranks or classifications and their numbers shall be set forth separately in an organization chart.
Article 7
Researchers employed in accordance with the regulations of Article 13 of the Organization Act of the former Centers for Disease Control of the Department of Health, the Executive Yuan, before the enactment of this Act shall be employed in accordance with the regulations of the original Organization Act.
Article 8
The date of enforcement of this Act shall be determined by the Executive Yuan.

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