Ornithological Biography/Volume 1/Index

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2047776Ornithological Biography — IndexJohn James Audubon

Acer rubrum, 287, 352
Adonis autumnalis, 48
Æsculus Pavia, 402
Alcedo Alcyon, 394
American Bear, 479
———— Cane, 149
———— Goldfinch, 172
———— Hare, 272
———— Pokeweed, 179
———— Redstart, 202
Anthus pipiens, 408
——— Spinoletta, 49
Autumnal Warbler, 447
Azure Warbler, 255
Baltimore Oriole, 66
Barred Owl, 242
Bay-breasted Warbler, 358
Bay-winged Bunting, 473
Bead-tree, 330
Bear, Black, 479
Bear-berry, 257
Belted Kingsfisher, 394
Betula papyracea, 449
Bewick's Wren, 96
Bignonia capreolata, 334
———— radicans, 254
Birch, Paper, 449
Bird of Washington, 58
Bitterwood, 123
Blackberry, 152
Black-billed Cuckoo, 170
Black-and-white Creeper, 452
——————— Warbler, 290
Black Oak, 426
Black Walnut, 433
Black Warrior, 441
Blue-grey Fly-catcher, 431
Blue Tangles, 129
Blue-winged Yellow Warbler, 102
Blue-green Warbler, 258
Blue Yellow-backed Warbler, 78
Bombycilla carolinensis, 227
Bonaparte's Fly-catcher, 27
Boon, Colonel, 503
Broad-winged Hawk, 461
Brown Titlark, 49
Buck-eye, Dwarf, 402
Bull-frog, 367
Bunting, Henslow's, 360
——— Towhe, 150
Cactus opuntia, 475
Callicarpa americana, 592
Cane, American 149, 458
Cane-brake, 458
Caprimulgus carolinensis, 273
—————— vociferus, 422
Carolina Parrot, 135
Carolina Rose, 472
Carbonated Warbler, 308
Castanea pumila, 436
Cassia occidentalis, 181
Cedar Bird, 227
Cedar, Red, 230
Certhia varia, 452
Chestnut-sided Warbler, 306
Chicasaw Plum, 282
Children's Warbler, 180
Chinquapin, 436
Chuck-will's-widow, 273
Cinereous Eagle, 64
Cliff Swallow, 353
Cnicus lanceolatus, 176
Cockle-bur, 140
Coccyzus americanus, 18
———— erythrophthalmus, 170
Columba carolinensis, 91
———— migratoria, 319
Columbia Jay, 483
Cornus florida, 45, 376
Corvus Bullockii, 483
Corvus floridanus, 444
Cotton, Highland, 359
Cotton-wood, 407
Cotton-rose, 140
Cougar, 205
Cow-pen Bird, 492
Common Crow Blackbird, 35
Creeper, Black-and- White, 452
Crested Titmouse, 199
Cuckoo, Black-billed, 170
Yellow-billed, 18
Cuvier's Regulus, 288
Deer Hunting, 335
Diosporos virginiana, 446
Dogwood, 45, 376
Driving, 335
Earthquake, 239
Eagle, White-headed, 160
—— Washington, 58
Emberiza Henslowii, 360
———— erythrophthalma, 150
Falco Albicilla, 64
—— borealis, 265
—— columbarius, 466
—— Haliaetos, 415
—— Harlani, 441
—— hyemalis 364
—— furcatus, 368
—— leucocephalus, 160
—— lineatus, 296
—— pennsylvanicus, 461
—— peregrinus, 85
—— Stanleii, 186
—— temerarius, 381
—— Washingtonii, 98
Falls of Niagara, 362
Finch, Painted, 279
—— Purple, 24
—— Sea-side, 470
Fire-light Hunting, 337
Fish Hawk, 415
Flood of the Ohio and Mississippi, 156
Flos Adonis, 48
Florida Jay, 444
——— Jessamine, 114
Fly-catcher, Bonaparte's, 27
———— Blue-grey, 431
———— Selby's, 46
———— Solitary, 147
———— Traill's, 236
———— Tyrant, 403
———— White-eyed, 328
Fringilla ciris, 279
——— cyanea, 377
——— erythrophthalma, 150
——— graminea, 473
——— hyemalis, 72
——— maritima, 470
——— melodia, 126
——— palustris, 331
——— pennsylvanica, 42
——— purpurea, 24
——— tristis, 172
Frolic, 55
Garter Snake, 371
Gleditschia triacanthos, 226
Goldfinch, American, 172
Golden-winged Woodpecker, 191
Gossipium herbaceum, 359
Grakle, Purple, 35
Grass Finch, 473
Great Carolina Wren, 399
—— Horned Owl, 313
—— footed Hawk, 85
—— Magnolia, 28
—— Pine Swamp, 52
Grouse, Ruffed 211
Green Briar, 302
Halesia tetraptera, 123
Hare, American, 272
Harlequin Snake, 278
Hawk, Broad-winged, 461
—— Great-footed, 85
—— Pigeon, 466
—— Red-shouldered, 296
—— Red-tailed, 265
—— Stanley, 186
Hawk, Swallow-tailed, 368
——Winter, 364
Henslow's Bunting, 360
Hermit Thrush, 303
Hibiscus grandiflorus, 104
Hickory Pig-nut, 465
Hirundo bicolor, 490
——fulva, 353
——purpurea, 115
Honey Locust, 226
Hornbeam, Virginian, 204
Hospitality, 383
House Wren, 427
Huckleberry, 129
Humming Bird, 248
Hurricane, 262
Icterus agripennis, 233
——Baltimore, 66
——pecoris, 492
——phœeniceus 348
——spurius, 221
Ilex Dahoon, 257
——Prinoides, 451
Indian Corn, 41
Indigo Bird, 377
Iris, Coppery, 80
Iron-wood Tree, 204
Ivory-billed Woodpecker, 341
Jay, Florida, 444
——Columbia, 483
Jersey Pine, 489
Jessamine, Florida, 114
Juglans nigra, 433
——porcina, 485
Juniperus virginiana, 230
Kalmia latifolia, 289
Kentucky Sports, 290
——Warbler, 196
Kingsfisher, Belted, 394
Larch, Black, 454
Larix americana, 26
Lanius ludovicianus, 300
Laurel, 289
Lehigh River, 54
Le Petit Caporal, 381
Lepus americana, 278
Liquidambar styraciflua, 232
Liriodendron tulipifera, 71
Little Screech Owl, 485
Loggerhead Shrike, 300
Louisiana Flag, 80
——Water Thrush, 99
Louisville in Kentucky, 437
Magnolia auriculata, 198
——grandiflora, 28, 171
Maize, 41
Maple, Red, 287, 352
Marsh Blackbird, 348
——Wren, 500
Maryland Yellow-throat, 121
Martin, Purple, 115
May-apple, 322
May-bush, 309
Meadville, 182
Melia azedarach, 330
Meleagris Gallopavo, 1, 33
Methodists, camp-meeting of, 31
Miegia macrosperma, 149
Mississippi, Flood of the, 156
——Improvements in the navigation of the, 130
Mocking Bird, 108
Moth mullein, 307
Mouse, Field, 302
Mulberry, Spanish, 259
Mullein, moth, 307
Muscadine, wild, 235
Muscicapa Bonapartii, 27
——cœrulea, 431
——Ruticilla, 202
——Selbii, 46
——Traillii, 236
——Tyrannus, 403
Nashville Warbler, 450
Naturalist, the eccentric, 455
Navigation of the Mississippi, 130
Niagara, 362
Nyssa tomentosa, 75
Oak, Black, 426
——Swamp, 125
——White, 261
Ohio, description of the, 29
—— floods of the, 156
Olive, Wild, 123
Orchard Oriole, 221
Oriole, Baltimore, 66
—— Orchard, 221
Osprey, 415
Ostrya virginiana, 204
Owl, Barred, 242
—— Great Horned, 313
—— Little Screech,
Painted Finch, 279
Painter, the original, 410
Papaw tree, 21
Partridge, Virginian, 388
Parus bicolor, 199
Parrot, Carolina, 135
Passenger Pigeon, 319
Pens for catching game, 12
Perdix virginiana, 388
Persimon, 446
Phlox aristata, 361
—— subulata, 409
Phytolacca decandra, 179
Picus auratus, 191
——erythrocephalus, 141
——principalis, 381
Pig-nut Hickory, 465
Pigeon Hawk, 466
Pigeon, Passenger, 319
Pine, Jersey, 489
——White, 201
Pink Root, 361
Pinus inops, 489
——pendula, 454
——strobus, 201
Podophyllum peltatum 332
Pokeweed, American 170
Pole-cat, 310
Populus candicans, 407
Porcelia triloba, 21
Pot-pie, 39
Prairie, the, 81
Prairie Titlark, 408
——Warbler, 76
Prickly Pear, 475
Pride of China, 330
Prothonotary Warbler, 22
Prunus Chicasa, 282
Psittacus carolinensis, 135
Purple Finch, 24
——Grakle, 35
——Martin, 115
Pyrus Botryapium, 309
Quercus aquatica, 125
——Prinus, 261
Quiscalus versicolor, 35
Quercitron, 426
Rana taurina, 367
Rathbone Warbler, 333
Red Bird, 232
Red Cedar, 230
Red Larch, 26
Red Maple, 352, 287
Red-headed Woodpecker, 141
——shouldered Hawk, 296
——tailed Hawk, 265
——winged Starling, 348
Redstart, American, 202
Republican Swallow, 353
Regulators, 105
Regulus Cuvierii, 288
Rice Bird, 283
Roscoe's Yellow-throat 124
Rosa Carolina, 472
Rubus villosus, 152
Ruby-throated Humming-bird, 248
Ruffed Grouse, 211
Sarsaparilla, Wild, 380
Sawyers and Planters, 130
Sciurus cinereus, 247
Screech Owl, 485
Schisandra coccinea, 380
Scipio and the Bear, 479
Seaside Finch, 470
Selby's Flycatcher,
Service, 309
Shrike, Loggerhead, 300
Silver-bell Tree, 12
Smilax rotundifolia 302
Snow-bird, 72
Snow-drop Tree 123
Solitary Fly-catcher 147
Song Sparrow 126
Spanish Coffee 181
Sparrow, Song 126
——Swamp 331
——White-throated 42
Spider-wort 154
Spigelia marilandica 361
Squirrel, Grey 247
Stanley Hawk 186
Strix Asio, 485
——nebulosa 242
——Virginiana 313
Still Hunting, 335
Stuartia malacodendron, 95
Summer Red Bird, 232
Swallow, Republican, 353
——White-bellied 490
Swallow-tailed Hawk, 368
Swamp, Great Pine, 52
Swamp Oak, 125
——Sparrow, 331
——Spice, 451
Sweet Gum, 238
Sylvia aestiva, 476
——Americana, 78
——autumnalis, 447
——azurea, 255
——carbonata 308
——castanea, 358
——Childrenii, 180
——discolor, 76
——formosa, 196
——icterocephala, 306
——maculosa, 260
——pensilis, 434
——Protonotarius, 22
——rara, 258
——rubricapilla 450
——Rathbonia, 333
——Roscoe, 124
——Solitaria, 102
Sylvia Trichas, 12
——vermivora, 177
——Vigorsii, 153
Tanagra æstiva, 232
Tetrao Umbellus, 211
Thistle, Common, 176
Thrush, Hermit, 303
——Louisiana Water, 99
——Wood, 372
Timber, preparation of, 54
Titlark, Brown, 49
——Prairie, 408
Towhe Bunting, 150
Traill's flycatcher, 236
Traveller and Pole-cat, 310
Trochilus colubris, 248
Troglodytes ædon, 427
——Bewickii, 96
——ludoviciana, 399
——palustris, 500
Titmouse, Crested, 199
Tradescantia virginica, 154
Trumpet-flower, 254
———Ramping, 334
Tulip-Tree, 71
Tupelo, 75
Turdus ludovicianus, 99
——minor, 303
——mustelinus, 372
——polyglottus, 108
Turkey, 1, 33
Turtle Dove, Carolina, 91
Tyrant Fly-catcher, 403
Ursus Americanus, 480
Vaccinium frondosum, 129
Vireo noveboracensis, 328
——solitarius, 147
Virginian Hornbeam, 204
——Partridge, 388
Vitis rotundifolia, 235
Vigors's Warbler, 153
Viburnum prunifolium, 123
Warbler, Autumnal, 447
Warbler, Azure, 255
——Bay-breasted, 358
——Black-and-yellow, 260
——Blue-green, 258
——Blue Yellow-backed, 78
——Blue-winged Yellow, 102
——Carbonated, 308
——Chestnut-sided, 306
——Children's, 180
——Kentucky, 196
——Nashville, 450
——Prairie, 76
——Prothonotary, 22
——Rathbone, 333
——Vigors's, 153
——Yellow-pole, 476
——Yellow-breasted, 121
——Yellow-throated, 434
——Worm-eating, 177
Washington, Bird of, 58
Weak Fish, 421
White-bellied Swallow, 490
White-eyed Fly-catcher, 328
White-headed Eagle, 160
White-tailed Eagle, 64
White Oak, 261
White Pine, 201
White-throated Sparrow, 42
Whip-poor-will, 422
Wild Turkey, 1, 33
Wilson, Mr Alexander, 438
Winter Hawk, 364
Woodpecker, Ivory-billed, 341
——Golden-winged, 191
Woodpecker, Red-headed, 141
Wood Thrush, 372
Worm-eating Warbler, 177
Worm-grass, 361
Wren, Great Carolina, 399
——Bewick's, 96
——House, 427
——Marsh, 500
Xanthium Strumarium, 140
Yellow-billed Cuckoo, 18
Yellow-breasted Warbler, 121
Yellow-throat, Maryland, 121
Yellow-throat, Roscoe's, 124
Yellow-throated Warbler, 434
Zea Mays, 41