Outlines of Psychology (Wundt)/Author's Preface (4th German Ed.)

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Outlines of Psychology
by Wilhelm Wundt
Author's Preface to the German editions
from the 4th to the 7th
772254Outlines of Psychology — Author's Preface to the German editions
from the 4th to the 7th
Wilhelm Wundt


THE fourth edition contained more additions and minor revisions than did the second and third editions. The chief change is one which I introduced in compliance with a request that has frequently been made; this change consists in the addition of brief lists of reading references at the end of each of the sections and chief divisions. These references, in keeping with the general character of the book, must of course be limited to the most important contributions to the discussions in question; and not all the important references can be given, but those must be selected which will furnish the reader who wishes to go into the subject more thoroughly with easy means of finding further references for his study. Sections of my “Grundzüge der physiologischen Psychologie”, and my “Vorlesungen über die Menschen- und Tierseele”, which have been included in these lists of references are cited from the fifth and third editions respectively, and are referred to by abbreviated titles[1]).

Beginning with the sixth edition a number of diagrams have been included. These are intended to render the discussions to which the figures relate more intelligible to the reader who is not acquainted with the natural sciences which contribute to psychology.

Leipzig, March 1901 and January 1905.

W. Wundt.


  1. In the English edition references to the Grundzüge are given under the abbreviation Grundz.; references to the Vorlesungen are given under the abbreviated English title Lectures.—Tr.