Page:"Gentlemen Prefer Blondes" - Anita Loos.pdf/134

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Gentlemen Prefer Blondes

honor at Ciros because of the way they helped us when we were two American girls all alone in Paris and could not even speak the French landguage.

So Louie and Robber asked us to come to a party at their sister's house today but Dorothy says we had better not go because it is raining and we both have brand new umbrellas that are quite cute and Dorothy says she would not think of leaving a brand new umbrella in a French lady's hall and it is no fun to hang on to an umbrella all the time you are at a party. So we had better be on the safe side and stay away. So we called up Louie and told him we had a headache but we thanked him for all of his hospitality. Because it is the way all the French people like Louie and Robber are so hospitable to we Americans that really makes Paris so devine.