Page:"Homo Sum" being a letter to an anti-suffragist from an anthropologist.djvu/35

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The National Union of Women's Suffrage Societies,

Demand and Achievement. The International Suffrage Movement, by Alice Zimmern ... ... ... ... 3d.
Women and their Unfair Position under the Law, by J. W F. Jacques ... ... ... ... ... ... 3d.
Votes and Wages, by A. M. Royden ... ... ... ... 2d.
Hints on the Organisation of Suffrage Work ... ... 6d.
Gentles, Let us Rest, by John Galsworthy ... ... ... 1d.

The National Union of Women's Suffrage Societies 2/- per 100
To Women who are Well Off ... ... ... ... 1 6 per 100
To Women who are Not Well off ... ... ... 1/6 per 100
14 Reasons for Supporting Women's Suffrage... ... ... ... ... 4d. per 100 2/6 per 1,000
Why do Women want Votes? Well, Why do Men Vote? ... ... ... ... 4d. per 100 2/6 per 1,000
The Tool ... ... ... ... ... ... 4d. per 100 2/6 per 1,000
A Wider World ... ... ... ... ... 4d. per 100 2/6 per 1,000
Women in the Home ... ... ... ... 4d. per 100 2/6 per 1,000

and many others.

To the Literature Secretary, N.U.W.S.S.,
14, Great Smith Street, London, S.W.

Please send me the following Pamphlets and Leaflets on Women's Suffrage and forward full Catalogue :—

No. of Copies Title. Price. (£ s. d.)

I enclose Cheque (Postal Order) for £ : s d.
Name (State whether Mrs., Miss, or other Title)

Full Address