Page:"Round the world." - Letters from Japan, China, India, and Egypt (IA roundworldletter00fogg 0).pdf/210

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ble three hundred and thirteen feet equare, apen which is the beatiful pile itaclé. Its shape is an irregular ectagen, the tides {scing the four cardizel points, in which are the entrance, heing about ene hundred ard thirty fees long. Krom the centre of the root springs a marbie dome, expandisg erandly and rising to a height of eighty feet, tipped on its pummit with 4 gilt cres- eent-pointed spire, iw hundred end ninety alx feef from the bsasment. At exch ef the four cpreers of the platform is a minsret ong huadred ard thirty-three feet high, of exzqunisife proportions, and the smallest pos: sible circumferencs in proportion te ite helgkt. O32 either cide of the Taj isa red Rardstene building, with lotty domes asd handsome portale, erceted, it is cupposed, to enhare? by contrast the beauty of the main building iteclf, and showing a more than re- galdisregard of est ia order ta necute the greatest possible efi.e.

In tha centre, immedistely beneath the dome, are two sareophagi, side Uy side, of Shsk Jehan and his wife, tha actus] fomb being in the marble besernent andornesth. They are cf the puresi white warble, euch as is eaid to be now unobtainable, and inlaid with fawers ius mozsia work of precione stones, gach flower beirga work ef artin iteelf. The cornciiay, agate, bloed-:tare and lepis-lszuli mostly preva‘l, wrenzht into a most perfect resemblance in color, shape and uize of the lotus, the iris, and the tulip, An sciegonal cereen of treilie-work in marble, wreught ia open tracery of tacst intricate design, snrround3the tombs, Upon the cornice, the arches af the doors aud wine dows, and slong the entrance passagez, are inlaid in black marble, verers from the Koran 5 the whole back, it is said, being thus repro- duced upon the wells of the building.

Under the dome is an echo 34 sweet, pure aud prolecged, thai it eeems3 almost mnsr— velous. Asingle musicsi wate uttered by the voices, fats and soire overiead in along, delicious undulation, fading sway 30 slowly snd imperesptibly thst you sceratp hear it after inissilent. £ listened entranced and amazed stita wonderful eficct, the gtraing aweetly prolenging themselves around the higt-stehed @eme, lika the barmenies of angels in paredise.

Descending a sloping marble passage from the outside near the main entrance, and surrounded by a crowd of chattering native guides with candies, we now inspected the actual tomb of Shah Jehan and his beautiful