Page:"The Mummy" Volume 2.djvu/24

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The strangest vision has appeared, and the Queen is certainly dying. Every one says it is a demon."

"What, the Mummy?" asked Mr. Montagu.

"Have you heard of it then?" said Sir Ambrose eagerly.

"It is now in this house," cried Mrs. Montagu.

"In this house!" repeated her brother-in-law; whilst Father Morris, who had looked pale and exhausted when he entered the hall, became still paler, and looked scarcely able to support himself.

"To arms!" cried Cheops from the inner room; "the Palli are upon us! Cowards that we are, the enemy are at our gates!"

Screaming, and scarcely knowing where they went, the terrified servants tumbled over each other in the hastiness of their retreat, huddling themselves together in a heap, yet keeping their eyes fixed upon the door from which they expected the spectre to appear, as though charmed by the fascination of a rattlesnake.