Page:"The Mummy" Volume 3.djvu/182

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gently disengaging her from him, and placing her upon a chair, "but my wife, my beloved wife."

"Your wife!" exclaimed Rosabella, "Edmund's wife! am I indeed so blest? Oh no! surely it is a dream, a fond delusive dream! You cannot surely be serious."

"Is this a moment for jest?" asked Edmund calmly.

"It certainly is not," said Father Morris, whose agitation had been nearly equal to their own, and who had stood gazing upon them with looks of the fondest affection. "We must immediately escape, or it will be too late; it wants but two hours of daybreak, and, with the dawn, Lord Edmund's trial will commence."

"True, true!" cried Rosabella, "I had forgotten. Dearest Edmund, you must condescend to fly, or your precious life will be sacrificed."

"But how shall I escape?"

"Through this panel. A balloon waits at a little distance, and this cloak will conceal your person from observation."

"Dear Rosabella!"

"Come, come," cried Father Morris, "we