Page:กม ร ๗ - ๒๔๗๔.pdf/151

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delivery of a lecture, or the display of an artistic work to the public, or the creation of an architectural work of art;

author” shall also include one who composes music and one who produces or creates an artistic work, such as painter, sculptor, architect, etc;

journal” means a literary work printed in any language, containing news, comments, or notifications of any kind, as well as reviews or magazines published or obviously intended to be published at fixed intervals of time or on certain occasions without fixed schedule.

Section5.Subject to this Act, the author of a literary and artistic work shall have the right to acquire copyright–

(a)if the literary and artistic work was first published in the Kingdom, in case the work has already been published; and

(b)if the author is a Siamese subject or has a place of residence in the Kingdom on the day of creation of the literary and artistic work, in case the literary and artistic work has not yet been published.