Page:กม ร ๗ - ๒๔๗๔.pdf/157

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However, His Majesty declares that such transfer of copyright or benefits shall be invalid if it is not made in writing and signed by the owner or agent duly authorised by the owner.

Section14.His Majesty declares that copyright shall last for the lifetime of the author and shall continue for thirty years thereafter. As for that which is published in instalments, the term of protection shall commence from the day of publication of each instalment.

If the author dies prior to publication, His Majesty declares that the term of copyright shall last for a period of thirty years from the day of publication.

Section15.If several persons are co-authors, His Majesty declares that the term of copyright shall last for the lifetime of the authors and shall continue for thirty years from the day of the death of the last deceased author.

Section16.The term of copyright over a photograph or picture produced by a process analogous to photography shall, His Majesty declares, last for a period of thirty years from the day of production of such photograph or picture.

Section17.The term of copyright over a gramophone record, perforated roll, or thing produced otherwise which enables the replay of sounds by a device shall, His Majesty declares, last for a term of thirty years from the day of production of the original recording from which such a thing derives.