Page:กม ร ๘ - ๒๔๗๘ fixed.pdf/1294

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An action for legitimation of a child during the minority of the child may be instituted by the legal representative of the child on his or her behalf, or if the child would like to institute the action himself or herself, he or she must institute it within one year from the day he or she attains majority.

If the child has died, his or her descendant may institute an action for his or her legitimation. But the action must be instituted within one year from the day the reason for which the child may be legitimated is known or should become known. In addition, this action shall not be instituted upon the passage of ten years from the day of the death of the child.

Section1530.Legitimacy of a child takes effect—

(1)from the day of the marriage, if the father and mother subsequently marry;

(2)from the day of the registration, if the father registers the child as his child;

(3)from the day the judgment becomes final, if the status of being a child is declared by a judgment of a court; but this cannot be invoked to the prejudice of the rights of a third party who acts in good faith, save where the status of being a child according to the judgment has already been registered.