Page:กม ร ๘ - ๒๔๗๘ fixed.pdf/1296

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Section1537.A child who has not yet attained majority must be subject to the parental power of the father or mother.

The parental power is vested in the father.

Section1538.The parental power will be vested in the mother in the following events: when—

(1)the father has died;

(2)it is not certain whether the father is still alive or has died;

(3)the father has been adjudged incompetent or quasi-incompetent by a court;

(4)the father has to be hospitalised for mental infirmity;

(5)the child was born out of wedlock and has not been registered as a legitimate child by the father;

(6)a court orders that the parental power be vested in the mother.

Section1539.The person exercising the parental power has the right—

(1)to designate the residence of the child;

(2)to appropriately punish the child for the purposes of admonition and instruction;

(3)to require the child to work as appropriate for his or her ability and living conditions;