Page:กม ร ๘ - ๒๔๗๘ fixed.pdf/1302

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Section1557.A person who has attained majority may be appointed as a guardian, save where—

(1)he or she has been adjudged incompetent or quasi-incompetent by a court;

(2)he or she is bankrupt;

(3)he or she is of serious misconduct and is not suitable for guarding the minor or property of the minor;

(4)he or she has or once had a litigation in court with the minor or a close relative of the minor;

(5)he or she has been named by the father or mother who died after the other as a person that should be prevented from guardianship.

Section1558.As regards any unmarried person who has been adjudged incompetent or quasi-incompetent by a court, irrespective of whether or not he or she has already attained majority, the father or mother shall become the custodian or curator, as the case may be, save where the court gives a different order.

Section1559.There can be only one guardian at a time. But in a special event, the court may appoint several guardians to act jointly or act according to the powers specifically designated for each of them.