Page:ประกาศ คปค.djvu/47

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Volume 123, Number 105A
Page 24
Royal Gazette

3 October 2549

Article2.The repeal of the Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand shall not affect the Organic Act on Criminal Procedure for Holders of Political Positions, 2542 BE. The Organic Act on Criminal Procedure for Holders of Political Positions, 2542 BE shall remain in force until amended or repealed by a law.”

Article2.The National Anti-Corruption Commission established by the Announcement of the Council for Democratic Reform No 19 dated the 22nd day of September 2549 Buddhist Era shall assume office from the day of its establishment by the said Announcement and its term of office shall be governed by the Organic Act on Anti-Corruption, 2542 BE.

Article3.In the event that a holder of a political position deliberately fails to file an account of property and debts as well as supplementary documents with the National Anti-Corruption Commission within the time designated by the Organic Act on Anti-Corruption, 2542 BE, he shall be dealt with in accordance with section 34 in the same manner as deliberately filing a false account of property and debts or supplementary document or concealing a fact which should have been declared.

Article4.In scrutinising a change in the property and debts of a holder of a political position, the National Anti-Corruption Commission shall have the power to order temporary seizure or sequestration of the unusually increased property. But this does not exclude the right of the holder of the political position to file a request for indulgence, whether with or without security, in order to take such property and put it to use.

Once property has been temporarily seized or sequestered per paragraph 1, the National Anti-Corruption Commission shall promptly arrange for its verification. In the event that the holder of the political position is unable to provide evidence which shows that the temporarily seized or sequestered property has not been increased unusually, the National Anti-Corruption Commission shall have the power to extend the seizure or sequestration until it resolves to hold that the property has not been increased unusually, which must not be longer than one year from the day of the seizure or sequestration, or until the petition is dismissed by a final judgment. But if the verification is successful, the property shall be returned to him.

Article5.In examining facts according to the Organic Act on Anti-Corruption, 2542 BE, the National Anti-Corruption Commission may