Page:ประกาศ คปค.djvu/49

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Volume 123, Number 105A
Page 26
Royal Gazette

3 October 2549

Announcement of the Council for Democratic Reform
No 32
Re: Powers and duties of the Election Commission with respect to elections of local councillors or local administrators

In order for elections of local councillors or local administrators to be finished with dispatch whilst acts of dishonesty committed by electoral candidates can still be scrutinised, the Council for Democratic Reform hereby announces as follows:

Article1.In holding an election of local councillors or local administrators of any local administrative organisation according to the Elections of Local Councillors or Local Administrators Act, 2545 BE, the Election Commission must finish announcing its results without delay, which must not be later than thirty days from the day of the election.

Article2.Once the Election Commission has announced the results of an election according to article 1, if subsequent reliable evidence shows that any of the persons elected according to article 1 has committed any dishonest act or offence relating to the election in order to make himself elected or which renders the election unfair and unjust, or has contravened an election law, the Election Commission shall order his disfranchisement for a period of one year and organise a new election, save where the action in question is not related to him.

Article3.All provisions of the Elections of Local Councillors or Local Administrators Act, 2545 BE which are contrary or repugnant to this Announcement shall be replaced by the provisions of this Act.