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Volume 122, Issue 7A
Page 2
Royal Gazette

19 January 2548

Section6.No given name shall be identical to or intended to be similar to the name of the King, the name of the Queen, or a royally conferred name, nor shall it contain an impolite word or meaning.

No secondary name shall contain any disqualification under paragraph 1, nor shall it be identical to the family name of another person, save where it is the case in which one spouse uses the family name of the other spouse, or a child uses the former family name of the mother or father, as his or her secondary name.

A spouse may use the family name of the other spouse as his or her secondary name only after having obtained the consent of such spouse.”

Section4.The provisions of paragraph 2 of section 9 of the Names of Persons Act, 2505 BE, shall be repealed and replaced by the following provisions:

“When the local registrar considers and finds that the family name created according to the application is not contrary to this Act, he shall further submit it [to the relevant officers] according to the order [of precedence] until it reaches the Central Registrar. Upon having obtained the approval of the Central Registrar, the local registrar shall accept to register the said family name and issue a certificate indicating the registration of the family name to the applicant. However, in the event that any registry can link data with the data network of the Central Registry as announced and designated by the Ministry of Interior, its local register shall be able to proceed therewith without having to obtain the approval of the Central Registrar.”

Section5.The following provision shall be inserted in the Names of Persons Act, 2505 BE as paragraph 3 of section 11:

“In the event that the person having a family name registered has already died, his or her closest descendant who uses such family name shall have the right to grant the permission under paragraph 1.”

Section6.The provisions of sections 12 and 13 of the Names of Persons Act, 2505 BE, shall be repealed and replaced by the following provisions:

Section12.The spouses have the right to use each other’s family name according to their agreement or either of them shall use his or her own former family name.

The agreement under paragraph 1 may be concluded at the marriage or in the course of the marriage.

The agreement under paragraph 1 may be modified by a subsequent agreement of the spouses.

Section13.When the marriage ends by divorce or by a judicial judgment annulling it, the spouse using the family name of the other spouse shall return to his or her own former family name.