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Volume 95, Number 143
Special Edition, Page 37
Royal Gazette

18 December 2521

The quantity of the reproduction under (1) and (2) must not exceed that which is necessary, taking into account the appropriateness also.

Section34.Reasonably publishing an audiovisual material or film produced or carried out not for the seeking of profit therefrom shall not be deemed to be infringement of copyright, if in the following events:

(1)making available for listening or viewing for entertainment of people who are service users within a place for selling of food and drink, place for lodging, place of recreation, transport station, or vehicle;

(2)making available for listening or viewing for entertainment, when done by an association, foundation, or other organisation with objectives for public charity, education, religion, or social work.

Section35.Drawing, painting, constructing, engraving, sculpturing, carving, printing, taking photographs or films of, transmitting pictures of, or conducting any similar action to any artistic work which is openly and permanently situated in a public place shall not be deemed to be infringement of copyright over such artistic work.

Section36.Drawing, painting, engraving, sculpturing, carving, printing, taking photographs or films of, or transmitting pictures of any work of architecture shall not be deemed to be infringement of copyright over such work of architecture.