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Dated 11 September 2484
Royal Gazette
Volume 58, Page 1138

of a foreign state or to impair the independence of the State, shall be held guilty and be punished with death or life imprisonment.

Section105bis.Any Thai who combats the Country or joins an enemy of the Country shall be held guilty and be punished with death or life imprisonment.

Section105ter.Whoever commits any act to support a combating operation of an enemy shall be held guilty and be punished with imprisonment from five years to fifteen years and a fine from five hundred baht to five thousand baht.

If such support is an act of—

(1)causing a fortress, camp, airport, warcraft, vehicle, communication route, communication instrument, weaponry, food supply, dock, building, or any other thing used for warfare to be invalid, to be unusable, or to fall into the hands of an enemy;

(2)inciting a military officer, police officer, or officer to neglect a duty, desert, or infringe discipline;

(3)espionage; leading or guiding the way for an enemy; or

(4)allowing an enemy to gain the upper hand in combat;