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Volume 124, Number 51A
Page 18
Royal Gazette

5 September 2550

Section2.This Act shall come into force from the day following the day of its publication in the Royal Gazette onwards.

Section3.The following provisions shall be inserted in the Announcement of the Council for Democratic Reform No 30 dated the 30th day of September 2549 Buddhist Era, Re: Scrutiny of acts causing damage to the State as article 10/1:

Article10/1.In the event that there are reasonable circumstances to suspect or an injured person raises an accusation that any Member of the Scrutiny Committee or member of its subcommittee has unusual wealth, performs a duty unjustly, commits an offence in a public office according to the Penal Code, or commits an offence or corruption in office according to a different law, it shall be deemed that the Member of the Scrutiny Committee or subcommittee is a Member of the National Anti-Corruption Commission under section 17 or other political public servant under section 66 of the Organic Act on Anti-Corruption, 2542 BE, as the case may be, and the provisions of section 17, and of Chapter 6: Criminal prosecutions against holders of political positions under section 308 of the Constitution, of the Organic Act on Anti-Corruption, 2542 BE shall be applied mutatis mutandis.

The Organic Act on Criminal Procedure for Holders of Political Positions, 2542 BE shall apply to the institution and trial of the cases under paragraph 1, with the Supreme Court of Justice’s Criminal Division for Holders of Political Positions as the competent court to try and adjudicate upon the said cases.”

Section4.The provision of paragraph 2 of article 11 of the Announcement of the Council for Democratic Reform No 30 dated the 30th day of September 2549 Buddhist Era, Re: Scrutiny of acts causing damage to the State shall be repealed and replaced by the following provisions:

“When the time limit under paragraph 1 has expired but the scrutiny of or inquiry into any matter is still not finished, the Scrutiny Committee shall continue it until it is finished, but this must not be later than the 30th day of June 2551 BE.”

Section5.The following provisions shall be inserted in the Announcement of the Council for Democratic Reform No 30 dated the 30th day of September 2549 Buddhist Era, Re: Scrutiny of acts causing damage to the State as article 11: