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Volume 128, Issue 33A
Page 19
Royal Gazette

10 May 2554

Seal of the Royal Command
Seal of the Royal Command

Royal Decree
Dissolving the House of People's Representatives,
2554 BE

Bhumibol Adulyadej R
Given on the 9th day of May 2554 BE
Being the 66th year of the present reign

Phra Bat Somdet Phra Paramin Maha Bhumibol Adulyadej gives a great royal command by which He orders with His pleasure that it be announced as follows:

Whereas the Prime Minister has humbly made the following submission to Him: After the Government assumed the duties to handle the public services of the State at the end of the year 2551 BE, during which various types of crisis occurred within the Country, including the aftermath of the global economic failure, which resulted in the decline of the economic growth rate, the increase of the unemployment rate, and the halt of national investment, as well as the problems of conflict and discord amongst the people of the Nation, in which the use of force and violence during rallies and protests was present, the Government has now mitigated the said problems to the degree of being able to recover the economic condition of the Country from crisis and restore it to normalcy, with the economic growth rate improving gradually and continuously. As regards the problems of conflict and discord in the society, they have been remedied through cooperation from every section of the society until they have abated in severity. In addition, the National Assembly has completely considered an amendment to the Constitution to make it [more] suitable and compatible with the changed situation of the Country. It is thus found appropriate to dissolve the House of People's Representatives and organise a general election of new Members of the House of People's Representatives