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Number 7, Volume 65
Royal Gazette

3 February 2491

section 95sexies, the existence of the Constitution Drafting Assembly shall terminate.

Section95sexies.The National Assembly shall discuss the draft constitution sent by the Constitution Drafting Assembly in accordance with the stipulations of the previous section, and pass a resolution as to whether or not it should be presented to the Monarch for His signature endorsing it as the constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand.

The Members of the Constitution Drafting Assembly have the right to go to and supplementarily explain the draft constitution at the meetings.

The draft constitution drawn up and sent to the National Assembly by the Constitution Drafting Assembly shall not be amended in any manner.

The passage of a resolution according to the stipulations of paragraph 1 shall be done by means of calling the Members out by their names to vote one by one, and shall not be done on the same day as the discussion day.

Section95septies.If the National Assembly, by the vote of more than half of the number of the Members of both chambers, passes a resolution that the draft constitution be presented to the Monarch for His signature