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Volume 122, Number 55A
Page 2
Royal Gazette

11 July 2548

for recruitment of Members of the National Anti-Corruption Commission, composed of as members the President of the Supreme Court of Justice, the President of the Constitutional Court, the President of the Supreme Administrative Court, the President of the Election Commission, the President of the State Audit Commission, the President of the National Human Rights Commission, one selected by and from amongst the Ombudsmen of the National Assembly, one selected by and from amongst the Members of the House of Representatives whose political parties have members holding ministerial positions, one selected by and from amongst the Members of the House of Representatives whose political parties have no member holding a ministerial position, and six selected by and from amongst the presidents of all the public higher education institutions which are juristic persons.

In the case that there arises a reason for which the recruitment of a Member of the National Anti-Corruption Commission is required but the existing members of the commission for recruitment of Members of the National Anti-Corruption Commission do not complete the composition under paragraph 3 or they do but [some] cannot perform the duties, the commission for recruitment of Members of the National Anti-Corruption Commission shall only be composed of the available members.

The President of the Senate shall countersign the appointment of the President and Members of the National Anti-Corruption Commission."

Section4.In the case that there arose a reason for which the recruitment of a Member of the National Anti-Corruption Commission was required before the day of coming into force of this Constitution but the Senate has not yet adopted a resolution for the selection of Member of the National Anti-Corruption Commission, the said recruitment and selection shall be cancelled, and the commission for recruitment of Members of the National Anti-Corruption Commission according to section 297 of the Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand as amended by the Constitution shall execute the recruitment [instead], which shall be finished within thirty days counted from the day of coming into force of this Constitution.

Police Lieutenant Colonel Thaksin Shinawatra
Prime Minister