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Number 17, Volume 66
Special Edition, Page 26
Royal Gazette

23 March 2492

Section61.No private [person], group of persons, or political party shall directly or indirectly use a military force as a political tool.

Whilst being in regular public service, the military officers and other persons affiliated with the military sector shall not be members or officials of a political party and [shall not] express attachment[1] towards any political party.

Section62.Education should have the objective to make the Thais good citizens with strong bodies and perfect health, with knowledge and ability to pursue occupations, and with the mind of a democrat.

Section63.The State should promote and nurture education.

Systematisation of education is a specific duty of the State. All educational institutions are subject to the supervision of the State.

[At] the higher level of education,[2] the State should enable educational institutions to carry out their own affairs within the scope provided by the law.

  1. Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named attachment
  2. Originally, "The education [at] the level [of] higher education"