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drum with one face). 8. "Chātri" drum.
Plate VII. Wind instruments:—
1. Javanese oboe ("Pī Javā"). 2. "Cha nai" oboe. ("Pī Chanai"). 3. Flute (Klui). 4. "Pī Ō" oboe. 5. "Pī Nai" oboe. 6. "Pī Nok" oboe.
Plate VIII. National musical instruments of the Siamese which have come down from the past:—
Beginning from the top right hand corner: 1. Jew's harp ("Chong Nong"). 2. "Naw" pipe. 3. Reed organ ("Can"). 4. "Pī Saw" pipe. 5. "Teng" pipe. 6. "Ray Rye" pipe.
Plate IX. Brahmin playing the gourd lute.
Plate X. "Khap Mai" group.
Plate XI. The "Mahorī" players as in the Ayudhya period.
Plate XII. The "Grand Mahorī" group.
Plate XIII. The old "Pī Pāt" of five instruments (with the addition of the "Song Nā" drum and the "Sepā" castanets).
Plate XIV. The "Grand Pī Pāt" group/
Plate XV. The "Klong Khek" group.
Plate XVI. The Royal String-band.

Printed by The Bangkok Times Press, Ltd., February, 1931.