Page:語言自邇集 - Yǔ yán zì ěr jí. A progressive course designed to assist the student of colloquial Chinese Vol 1.djvu/33

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28. ssti 1 ; mou 3 厶ㄙ private; selfish. 29. yu* 又again.

3 Strokes.

. *o* 口the mouth. . wei z 囗able to enclose. . t'u 3 土earth. . shih * 士a scholar. . chih 3 夂 to step ouwards. . ts'ui l to step slowly. . hsi lz 夕evening. . ta* 大great. . nu 3 女a female. . tzii 3 子a son. . mien* 宀roof of a cave. . ts'un * 寸an inch. . hsiao 3 小little. . wang 1 尢bent, as an ailing leg. . hih* 尸a corpse. . ch't* 屮sprouting ; vegetation. . shan 1 山 a hill. . ch'uan J 巛streams. . kung* 工labour. . chi 3 已 self. . chin 1 巾a napkin ; head gear. . kan 1 千干a shield ; to concern. . yao 1 ㄠsmall. . yen3广roof of a house. . yin3廴continued motion. . kung3廾卄the hands folded, as in salutation.