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Verses 7-8

Saul's objection, that they had no present to bring to the man of God, as the bread was gone from their vessels, was met by the servant with the remark, that he had a quarter of a shekel which he would give.

Verses 9-10

Before proceeding with the further progress of the affair, the historian introduces a notice, which was required to throw light upon what follows; namely, that beforetime, if any one wished to inquire of God, i.e., to apply to a prophet for counsel from God upon any matter, it was customary in Israel to say, We will go to the seer, because “he that is now called a prophet was beforetime called a seer.” After this parenthetical remark, the account is continued in 1Sa 9:10. Saul declared himself satisfied with the answer of the servant; and they both went into the town, to ask the man of God about the asses that were lost.

Verses 11-12

As they were going up to the high place of the town, they met maidens coming out of the town to draw water; and on asking them whether the seer was there, they received this answer: “Yes; behold, he is before thee: make haste, now, for he has come into the town to-day; for the people have a sacrifice to-day upon the high place.” Bamah (in the singular) does not mean the height or hill generally; but throughout it signifies the high place, as a place of sacrifice or prayer.

Verse 13

When ye come into the city, ye will find him directly before he goes up to the high place to eat.” כּן not only introduces the apodosis, but corresponds to כּ, as, so: here, however, it is used with reference to time, in the sense of our “immediately.” “For the people are not accustomed to eat till he comes, for he blesses the sacrifice,” etc. בּרך, like εὐλογεῖν, refers to the thanksgiving prayer offered before the sacrificial meal. “Go now for him; yet will meet him even to-day.” The first אתו is placed at the beginning for the sake of emphasis, and then repeated at the close. כּהיּום, “Even to-day.”

Verses 14-16

When they went into the town, Samuel met them on his way out to go to the high place of sacrifice. Before the meeting itself is described, the statement is introduced in 1Sa 9:15-17, that the day before Jehovah had foretold to Samuel that the man was coming to him whom he was to anoint as captain over his people. אזן גּלה, to open any one's ear, equivalent to reveal something to him (1Sa 20:12; 2Sa 7:27, etc.). אשׁלח, I will send thee, i.e., “I will so direct his way in my overruling providence,