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numerical plur., it signifies the towerings (tops) of the mountains, and here, as in the passages cited from Numbers, either prominent, eminent attributes, or as an intensive plur. excellence; whence, agreeing with Ewald, we have translated “silver of the brightest lustre” (comp. יפעה, eminentia, splendor, Eze 28:7).

Verses 26-30

Job 22:26-30 26 For then thou shalt delight thyself in the Almighty,
And lift up they countenance to Eloah; 27 If thou prayest to Him, He will hear thee,
And thou shalt pay thy vows. 28 And thou devisest a plan, and it shall be established to thee,
And light shineth upon thy ways. 29 If they are cast down, thou sayest, “Arise!”
And him that hath low eyes He saveth. 30 He shall rescue him who is not guiltless,
And he is rescued by the purity of thy hands. כּי־אז might also be translated “then indeed” (vid., on Job 11:15), as an emphatic resumption of the promissory והיה (tum erit), Job 22:25; but what follows is really the confirmation of the promise that God will be to him a rich recompense for the earthly treasures that he resigns; therefore: for then thou shalt delight thyself in the Almighty (vid., the primary passage, Psa 37:4, and the dependent one, Isa 58:14; comp. infra, Job 27:10), i.e., He will become a source of highest, heartfelt joy to thee (על as interchanging with בּ by שׂמח). Then shall he be able to raise his countenance, which was previously depressed (נפלוּ, Gen 4:6.), in the consciousness of his estrangement from God by dearly cherished sin and unexpiated guilt, free and open, confident and joyous, to God. If he prays to Him (תּעתּיר may be thus regarded as the antecedent of a conditional clause, like יברח, Job 20:24), He will hear him; and what he has vowed in prayer he will now, after that which he supplicated