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between the two texts, both in 1Ch 10:8-10 and in the account of the burial of Saul and of his sons by valiant men of Jabesh, 1Ch 10:11, 1Ch 10:12, cf. the commentary on 1Sa 31:8-13. In the reflection on Saul's death, 1Ch 10:13 and 1Ch 10:14, a double transgression against the Lord on Saul's part is mentioned: first, the מעל (on the meaning of this word,vide on Lev 5:15) of not observing the word of Jahve, which refers to the transgression of the divine command made known to him by the prophet Samuel, 1Sa 13:8. (cf. with 1Ch 10:8), and 1Sa 15:2-3, 1Sa 15:11, cf. 1Sa 28:18; and second, his inquiring of the אוב, the summoner of the dead (vide on Lev 19:31), לדרושׁ, i.e., to receive an oracle (cf. in reference to both word and thing, 1Sa 28:7).

Verse 14

And because he inquired not of the Lord, therefore He slew him. According to 1Sa 28:6, Saul did indeed inquire of Jahve, but received no answer, because Jahve had departed from him (1Sa 28:15); but instead of seeking with all earnestness for the grace of Jahve, that he might receive an answer, Saul turned to the sorceress of Endor, and received his death-sentence through her from the mouth of Samuel, 1Sa 28:19.
The Anointing of David to be King in Hebron, and the Conquest of Jerusalem. A List of David's Heroes - 1 Chronicles 11
In the second book of Samuel there are passages parallel to both sections of this chapter; 1Ch 11:1-9 corresponding to the narrative in 2Sa 5:1-10, and vv. 10-47 to the register in 2 Sam 23:8-39.

Chap. 11

Verses 1-3

1Ch 11:1-3The anointing of David to be king over the whole of Israel in Hebron; cf. 2Sa 5:1-3. - After Saul's death, in obedience to a divine intimation, David left Ziklag, whither he had withdrawn himself before the decisive battle between the Philistines and the Israelites, and betook himself with his wives and his warriors to Hebron, and was there anointed by the men of Judah to be king over their tribe (2Sa 2:1-4). But Abner, the captain of Saul's host, led Ishbosheth, Saul's son, with the remainder of the defeated army of the Israelites, to Mahanaim in Gilead, and there made him king over Gilead, and gradually also, as he reconquered it from the Philistines, over the land of Israel, over Jezreel, Ephraim, Benjamin, and all (the remainder of) Israel, with the exception of the tribal domain of Judah. Ishbosheth's