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into singulars, as in 2Sa 23:12, since only the deed of the hero Shammah is here spoken of. The plurals were probably introduced into the text after the missing lines had been dropped out by a reader or copyist, who, on account of the דּייד עם היה הוּא (1Ch 11:13), understood the three clauses of 1Ch 11:14 to refer to Eleazar and David. ויּושׁע, on the contrary, is here perfectly appropriate, and is not to be altered to suit the ויּעשׂ of Samuel, 1Ch 11:14, for the καὶ ἐποίησε of the lxx is not of itself a sufficient reason for doing so.

Verses 15-19

In 1Ch 11:15-19 (cf. 2Sa 23:13-17) there follows an exploit of three others of the thirty, whose names have not been handed down. ראשׁ השּׁלושׁים, the thirty chiefs (not, as Thenius wrongly interprets the words, these three knights the chief parts, i.e., these three chief knights), are David's heroes hereafter mentioned, the thirty-two heroes of the third class named in 1Ch 11:26-40 (or vv. 24-39 of Samuel). That three others, different from the before-mentioned Jashobeam, Eleazar, and Shammah are intended, is plain from the omission of the article with שׁלושׁה; for if these three were spoken of, we would have השׁלושׁה, as in 1Ch 11:18. For further remarks on this exploit, which was probably performed in the war treated of in 1Ch 14:8., and in 2Sa 5:17., see on 2Sa 23:13-17. The words וגו האנשׁים הדם, 1Ch 11:19, are to be translated, “The blood of these men shall I drink in their souls? for for their souls (i.e., for the price of their souls, at the risk of their life) have they brought it.” The expression “blood in their souls” is to be understood according to Gen 9:4 and Lev 17:14 (הוּא בנפשׁו דּמו, “his blood is in the soul,” is that which constitutes his soul). As there blood and soul are used synonymously (the blood as seat of and container of the soul, and the soul as floating in the blood), so here David, according to our account of his words, compares the water, which those heroes had brought for the price of their souls, to the souls of the men, and the drinking of the water to the drinking of their souls, and finally the souls to the blood, in order to express his abhorrence of such a draught. The meaning therefore may be thus expressed: “Shall I drink in this water the souls, and so the blood, of these men; for they have brought the water even for the price of their souls?”

Verses 20-25

In 1Ch 11:20-25 the second class of heroes, to which Abshai (Abishai) and Benaiah belonged, cf. 2Sa 23:18-23, is spoken of. They were not equal to the preceding three in heroic