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does not refer only to יהוה, but also to the additional clause הכּרוּבים יושׁב, and the meaning is that Jahve is invoked as He who is enthroned above the cherubim; cf. Psa 80:2; Isa 37:16. - On the following 1Ch 13:7-14, cf. the commentary on 2Sa 6:3-11.

Chap. 14

Verse 1

1Ch 14:1David's palace-building, wives and children, 1Ch 14:1-7; cf. 2Sa 5:11-16. Two victories over the Philistines, 1Ch 14:8-17; cf. 2Sa 5:17-25. - The position in which the narrative of these events stands, between the removal of the ark from Kirjath-jearim and its being brought to Jerusalem, is not to be supposed to indicate that they happened in the interval of three months, curing which the ark was left in the house of Obed-edom. The explanation of it rather is, that the author of our Chronicle, for the reasons given in page 170, desired to represent David's design to bring the ark into the capital city of his kingdom as his first undertaking after he had won Jerusalem, and was consequently compelled to bring in the events of our chapter at a later period, and for that purpose this interval of three months seemed to offer him the fittest opportunity. The whole contents of our chapter have already been commented upon in 2Sa 5:1, so that we need not here do more than refer to a few subordinate points.

Verses 2-17

Instead of נשּׂא כּי, that He (Jahve) had lifted up (נשּׂא, perf. Pi.), as in 2Sa 5:12, in the Chronicle we read למעלה נשּׂאת כּי, that his kingdom had been lifted up on high. The unusual form נשּׂאת may be, according to the context, the third pers. fem. perf. Niph., nisaa't having first been changed into נשּׂאת, and thus contracted into נשּׂאת; cf. Ew. §194, b. In 2Sa 19:43 the same form is the infin. abs. Niph. למעלה is here, as frequently in the Chronicles, used to intensify the expression: cf. 1Ch 22:5; 1Ch 23:17; 1Ch 29:3, 1Ch 29:25; 2Ch 1:1; 2Ch 17:12. With regard to the sons of David, see on 1Ch 3:5-8.
In the account of the victories over the Philistines, the statement (2Sa 5:17) that David went down to the mountain-hold, which has no important connection with the main fact, and would have been for the readers of the Chronicle somewhat obscure, is exchanged in 1Ch 14:8 for the more general expression לפניהם ויּצא, “he went forth against them.” In 1Ch 14:14, the divine answer to David's question, whether he should march against the Philistines, runs thus: מעליהם הסב אחריהם תּעלה לא, Thou shalt not go up after them; turn away from them, and come upon them over against the baca-bushes; - while in 2Sa 5:23,