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at the celebration of the passover, under the idea that they were bound by the law to do so; but Josiah taught them that the temple built by Solomon had caused an alteration in that respect. They were no longer bearers of the ark; they might set it in its place, and undertake other duties.” For the idea that the Levites bore the ark at the celebration of the passover is utterly inconsistent with the context, since 2Ch 35:3-6 do not treat of what was done at the passover, but merely of that which was to be done. But even if we were to alter “they bare” into “they wished to bear,” yet there is no historic ground for the idea attributed by Bertheau to the Levites, that at the celebration of the passover the ark was to be brought forth from the most holy place, and carried in procession in the temple courts or elsewhere. Finally, the reasons stated for the call, וגו תּנוּ, cannot be made to harmonize with the two views above mentioned. If it was only the bringing back of the ark to its ancient place in the most holy place which is here spoken of, why are the words “which Solomon built” added after בּבּית; and why is the command based upon the statement, “Ye have not to carry it any more upon your shoulders, but are to serve the Lord your God and His people in another way”? Both the additional clause and these reasons for the command show clearly that Josiah, in the words וגו תּנוּ, did not command something which they were to do at the approaching passover, but merely introduces therewith the summons: “Serve now the Lord,” etc. R. Sal. saw this, and has given the sense of the verse thus: quum non occupemini amplius ullo labore vasa sacra portandi, Deo servite et populo ejus mactando et excoriando agnos paschales v. 4ff. It therefore only remains to ascertain how this signification is consistent with the words בּבּית הק את־ארון תּנוּ. The exhortation, “Set the ark in the house,” must certainly not be understood to mean, “Leave it in the place where it has hitherto stood,” nor, “Bring the sacred ark back into the house;” for נתן with בּ does not mean to bring back, but only to place anywhere, set; and is here used not of material placing, but of mental. “Set the ark in the house” is equivalent to, “Overlook, leave it in the temple; you have not any longer, since Solomon built a house for it, to bear it upon your shoulders;” i.e., Think not on that which formerly, before the building of the temple, belonged to your service, but serve the Lord and His people now in the manner described in 2Ch 35:4. The interpretation of the words as denoting