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introduces that which results from this fact, and therefore to a certain extent goes beyond it. The world below, hitherto shaken by war and anarchy, now stands upon foundations that cannot be shaken in time to come, under Jahve's righteous and gentle sway. This is the joyful tidings of the new era which the poet predicts from out of his own times, when he depicts the joy that will then pervade the whole creation; in connection with which it is hardly intentional that Psa 96:11 and Psa 96:11 acrostically contain the divine names יהוה and יהו. This joining of all creatures in the joy at Jahve's appearing is a characteristic feature of Isa 40:1. These cords are already struck in Isa 35:1. “The sea and its fulness” as in Isa 42:10. In the chronicler Psa 96:10 (ויאמרו instead of אמרו) stands between Psa 96:11 and Psa 96:11 - according to Hitzig, who uses all his ingenuity here in favour of that other recension of the text, by an oversight of the copyist.

Verses 12-13

The chronicler changes שׂדי into the prosaic השּׂדה, and כל־עצי־יעל with the omission of the כל into עצי היּער. The psalmist on his part follows the model of Isaiah, who makes the trees of the wood exult and clap their hands, Psa 55:12; Psa 44:23. The אז, which points into this festive time of all creatures which begins with Jahve's coming, is as in Isa 35:5. Instead of לפני, “before,” the chronicler has the מלּפני so familiar to him, by which the joy is denoted as being occasioned by Jahve's appearing. The lines Psa 96:13 sound very much like Psa 9:9. The chronicler has abridged Psa 96:13, by hurrying on to the mosaic-work portion taken from Ps 105. The poet at the close glances from the ideal past into the future. The twofold בּא is a participle, Ew. §200. Being come to judgment, after He has judged and sifted, executing punishment, Jahve will govern in the righteousness of mercy and in faithfulness to the promises.

Psalm 97

The Breaking Through of the Kingdom of God, the Judge and Saviour

1 JAHVE is now King, the earth shouteth for joy, Many islands rejoice. 2 Clouds and darkness are round about Him, Righteousness and judgment are the pillars of His throne. 3 Fire goeth before Him And burnetb. up His enemies round about. 4 His lightnings lighten the world ; The earth seeth it, and trembleth because of it. 5 Mountains melt like wax before Jahve, Before the Lord of the whole earth. 6 The heavens declare His righteousness, And all the peoples see His glory. 7 Confounded are all those who serve graven images, Who boast themselves of idols ; All the gods cast themselves down to Him. 8 Zion heareth it and rejoiceth thereat,