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  8  Moreover, when I cry and shout, He obstructeth my prayer.   9  He hath walled round my ways with hewn stone, He hath subverted my paths. 10  He is to me [like] a bear lying in wait, a lion in secret places. 11  He removeth my ways, and teareth me in pieces; He maketh me desolate. 12  He bendeth His bow, and setteth me up as the mark for the arrow. 13  He causeth the sons of His quiver to go into my reins. 14  I am become a derision to all my people, their [subject of] satire all the day. 15  He filleth me with bitterness, maketh me drink wormwood. 16  And He grindeth my teeth on gravel, He covereth me with ashes. 17  And my soul hath become despised by prosperity; I have forgotten [what] good [is]. 18  And I said, My vital power is gone, and my hope from Jahveh. 19  Remember my misery and my persecution, wormwood and poison. 20  My soul remembereth [them] indeed, and sinketh down in me. 21  This I bring back to my mind, therefore have I hope. 22  [It is a sign of] the mercies of Jahveh that we are not consumed, for His compassions fail not; 23  [They are] new every morning: great is Thy faithfulness. 24  Jahveh [is] my portion, saith my soul; therefore I hope in Him. 25  Jahveh is good unto those who wait for Him, to a soul [that] seeketh Him. 26  It is good that [one] should wait, and that is silence, for the salvation of Jahveh. 27  It is good for man that he should bear a yoke in his youth. 28  Let him sit solitary and be silent, for [God] hath laid [the burden] on him. 29  Let him put his mouth in the dust; perhaps there is [still] hope. 30  Let him give [his] cheek to him that smites him, let him be filled with reproach. 31  Because the Lord will not cast off for ever: 32  For, though He causeth grief, He also pities, according to the multitude of His mercies. 33  For He doth not afflict from His heart, and grieve the children of men. 34  To the crushing all the prisoners of the earth under one's feet, 35  To the setting aside of a man's rights before the face of the Most High. 36  To the overthrowing of a man in his cause: - doth not the Lord look [to such doings as these]? 37  Who hath spoken, and it was done, [which] the Lord commanded not? 38  Doth not evil and good come out of the mouth of Jahveh? 39  Why doth a man complain [because] he liveth? [Let every] man [rather lament] because of his sins. 40  Let us search and examine our ways, and let us return to Jahveh. 41  Let us lift up our heart to [our] hands towards God in the heavens. 42  We have transgressed and rebelled, Thou hast not pardoned.